Blueprint or Template Dashboards
Here is a common scenario my team experiences: A new employee started on our team who is new to Wrike. I created a new dashboard for myself titled 'Ashley Dashboard' and set up widgets for her with 'current user' selected. I then shared the dashboard with her so that she can instantly use that as her main dashboard and all of the tasks in the widget will be assigned to her, rather than me. Now, I have 'Ashley Dashboard' in my drop down, even though I don't need it anymore. If I delete it, it will delete for her too.
We would love to be able to create a blueprint or template dashboard that can be shared to multiple users, without having the creator of the dashboard have it listed as their own personal dashboards. That way I can send the template dashboards to whoever needs them without having to own them myself.
When we went through our onboarding we were shared dashboards by Femi and he handed over the control of the dashboard. I unfortunately didnt keep the shared dashboard to double check whether Femi is still involved with the task. But when he was removed from our account the dashboards were still available.
If you got a spare licence could you not use that as a "Development" account and create the dashboards in there for all to access?
I think a simple solution for this in interim is to just have the person duplicate the dashboard and rename as needed so it stays on their profile only. Once they duplicate the creator can easily delete without impacting the other person
Thanks for your feedback Heather Laedtke! And thanks for providing info on how you're doing this, Glyn Thomas and Spencer Turkot 🙂
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks Glyn and Spencer! We just started setting up universal dashboards on one of our spare licenses and it is working great. Since we like to keep the dashboards for when new people start or transition roles, we don't want to duplicate and delete the original.
We really need dashboards for Blueprints added. We develop complex project models and it would allow us to track much more effectively where we are at with the progression of the Blueprint, which tasks still need work etc. Since moving to Blueprints instead of a dummy 'Template' area (Which had different limitations), we are unable to use Dashboards to monitor progress.
Hi Jon Moakes, thank you for this use case! It's been passed on to the Product team.
Hi, I have a similar use case for new employees. I've set up a dashboard with all the widgets filtered for Current User, so new users can use it straight away with no configuration. But I also want the dashboard to include any tasks the user creates in their Personal space so that they have all their tasks in a single view. In each widget, in the "Include tasks from" setting you can only see your own personal space, there doesn't seem to be a way to add personal space of the current user. Does anyone have a workaround for this?
I don't think it's currently possible Sarah Irving. But it looks like a good onboarding step to create such dashboards for new users, and then potentially get them to create their own dashboards as well 🙂 What do you think?
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks for the suggestion Lisa, but I think the whole point is that Wrike is productivity tool, not that we have to spend any effort in them learning how to create dashboards.
Hi Sarah Irving, hope you don't mind me jumping in for Lisa. I do understand where you're coming from though as Lisa mentioned above creating a knowledge base/task for team members seems to be the only workaround for now. You can see some examples from other members here:
I'll pass on your feedback to our team and we'll be sure to let you know if anything changes here👍🏼
Being able to create template dashboards, or blueprints would be so helpful.
We have our workflow well defined and we know what widgets each job role should be using on their dashboards. These are detailed in the instructions for each role, but it would be simpler and less prone to error if they could be directed to the blueprint specific to their role.
Thank you for sharing your feedback here Ben Gladwyn! Be sure to upvote the original post above if you haven't yet 🙂
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover