[From Wrike] Discover … Wrike Discover! UPDATED
Update: 7 May 2019
Good news, you no longer need to comment here to receive the link to Wrike Discover instead just click below and you'll be brought directly to the courses.
Get Started with Wrike Discover
An (extremely) exciting release is coming your way and we need the help of the awesome Community members!
We want you to be among the first to experience our learning platform, Wrike Discover!
Why would Wrike Discover interest you? Not only will you be able to complete courses to unlock the true value of Wrike; it’s also a place where your new team members can quickly become Wrike experts to maximize their effectiveness on your team - how cool is that!?
The current courses on Discover are the first of their kind. We plan to roll out many more in the coming months, and would appreciate your feedback to help make them even better.
Comment below and we’ll reach out to you by email with how to get started 👇
Good news, you no longer need to comment here to receive the link to Wrike Discover instead just click below and you'll be brought directly to the courses.
Get Started with Wrike Discover
Hi Stephen,
we are a kind of new wrike user, we started earlier this year with wrike but I feel we still struggle with how to use the system best. So I definitely would be interested in any new learning content as I've ploughed through the existing workshops etc but feel still a lost. Let me know ho to get started!
Hi, I'd love to get started with Wrike Discover!
Sign me up! We just rolled out Wrike to manage work for our marketing campaign execution team. While we're humming along fine, thanks to our Wrike Deployment Manager, I feel like there's much more I can do to streamline our process if I had a deeper understanding of Wrike.
This sounds great! I'm currently working on developing a learning course within our own system for a new user we're bringing aboard. Would be great to have another resource like Discover!
@Long Ho. Forgive my ignorance, but what is a Wrike Deployment Manager??
@Susanne Nichols - It's a professional service Wrike offers. They have two options on their pricing plans page here: https://www.wrike.com/price-vd
@Long Ho. Great, wasn't aware of this. Thanks for letting me know!!
@Susanne Hi, thanks for reaching out here! I'm sorry to hear that you feel lost. The Community is here to help! There's a How To section where you can ask questions, and I'd also like to mention our Wrike Onboarding section here, it's for new Wrikers to ask questions & get help from the Community members. Also, feel free to watch our webinars! I'd recommend starting with this particular one:
Please get back here if you need any help 🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi Stephen! Would love to use Wrike Discover!
Thanks Wrike Team!!
I would be interested in learning more as we are new to the product.
I would very much like to be a part of this !
Interested! 🙋
Definitely interested!
I'm interested in learning more about Wrike Discover!
I am interested in learning more about Wrike Discover. We have used Wrike for about 6 months now. I feel like I use it effectively, trying to figure out how to get the rest of the Marketing team do so too.😅
Thanks for all the interest everyone. Once you post here, we'll get the email over to you asap 👍
Please continue to comment if you're interested, it won't take too long to review the courses and your feedback is super valuable at this stage!
Thank you 🙌
I'd like a chance to see Wrike Discover.
I'm very interested.
Hi, great! i'd like to know a bit more about it!
Thank you!
Interested as well.
I'm interested! How will this be different from Wrike Club? Is that being discontinued?
I'm interested as well!
I'm interested!!! I want to try Wrike Discover! 😀
We're at the beginning of our team-wide adoption and would love additional resources!
We are in the beginning phases of our Wrike adoption, we would also love additional resources.