Proof and Approval on smartphones and tablets

Good morning,

we at Clonwerk love the new Guest Proof and Approval function. We work in the field of public events and television, our clients find this method of approving graphics and videos very innovative and easy.

The problem we encounter the most is that figures like art directors, producers and directors are often on sets or abroad and don't carry around a PC or laptop to review content sent to them, but because smartphones and tablets have such high resolutions and plenty of processing power they prefer using them instead.

There should be a way to implement this great function on a mobile/touch-based interface.

I made a few tests which unfortunately have been a failure because this function is not officially supported, Safari and Chrome mobile either don't load the page at all or they just remain unresponsive to touch gestures.

Wouldn't it be great to develop this feature?

Please let me know about it.

Andrea Boccia

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This would be very beneficial to many of our clients. 

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+1 - mobile proofing for video would be a huge benefit to our teams! 

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We are also very interested in this great feature in the mobile apps!

Let me give you some details as to why:

Situation now
With the mobile app you have no possibility to use a function such as the "proofing and approving". You have only the functionality of adding a comment to a attached file.
Requested change/feature
We would like to add the toolbar functionalities (free draw, etc.) which are already available in the browser version of Wrike also in the App Version. Especially the functions "Highlight an area" and "Free draw" would be helpful to mark specific parts of the pdf file and add a comment to them.
User benefit
The technicians or projects managers could use their mobile devices during site inspections to edit ground plans, which are attached as PDF files in the related project in Wrike. If a area needs to be modified, the technician could highlight this area in the ground plan via "proofing and approving" function and add a comment @follower with a description to initiate the changes to the responsible persons.
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Hello Christina Fischer, thank you so much for taking the time to give us feedback, it's highly appreciated 🙌🏼
I've shared your suggestions with our Product team, and I'll be sure to post here if there are any plans to introduce such functionalities in the future!
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Bitte dringend einführen - wäre eine große Hilfe!

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Vielen Dank für die konstruktive Rückmeldung Alexander Mitterer.

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Bitte ebenso um dringend umsetztung, 40 Mann aus meinem Team würden mit der Umsetzung vieles erleichtert!

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Stimme meinen Vorrednern zu - Bitte dringend einführen - wäre eine großer Mehrwert.

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Roman Lettenbichler, Ronald Otmar Theil Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung dieses Vorschlags! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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