Custom fields in Blueprints?

Looking at using Blueprints - and if we're going to make them really useful, we'll need to be able to pre-populate custom fields in them.  Is that in the works? At present, it looks like blueprints don't carry over the custom fields that existed in the task from which they were created.

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Hi Whitney, you can choose, when creating a Blueprint, to include 'Custom Field Values'. Do you mean the actual data you've saved to a Custom Field elsewhere?

It would be great to hear a use-case of how you'd use this to our Product Team better understand how this would help people 👍

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Hi Stephen,

We have custom fields set up in our main root folder (and specific ones for certain subfolders).  I'd like to be able to use those same custom fields in Blueprints, without having to re-create the wheel.  For instance, if Field1 is in Folder X, and I create a blueprint from a task in Folder X, it'd be great for Field1 to be available in that new blueprint task automatically.  That way I could populate the field and when we create a new task from the Blueprint, it'd already be all set.

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Hi Whitney, jumping up for Stephen here 🙂

Currently Custom Fields are not copied when you save a Task as a Blueprint. However, when you save a Project as a Blueprint and check the box next to "Copy Custom Fields Values", the Tasks will have these values in the Blueprints as well.

Please get back to me with further questions if you have them.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I fully support Whitney's request. My colleagues would love to save tasks as blueprints with custom field values for frequently returning tasks.

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+1 Our team currently utilizes task blueprint and we use custom fields to track certain data related to the task and sub-tasks.  It is not a project, so we can't utilize project blueprints. This is a real pain point for us with the inability to duplicate/copy custom field values for task blueprints.

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I just stumbled on this and right now I so badly need it.


So in my team Wrike is used to handle at least 4 different workflows, plus additional hidden or not heavy enough ones.
For example on one of the heaviest one it works like this:

  1. External team makes a request, the form specifies how many sub-activities are necessary -> main task with variable number of subtasks
  2. This main new task in my team, is the pre-requisite for the other team’s main task completition
    So once we’re done with all activities it goes back to the other team for finishing touches
  3. Upon completition of the other team’s main task, this goes for technical review in my team again (approval)

In light of this the request from the other team may create between 1 and 13 activities which capture specific work and specific documentation to be created. 

First this is only one of the workflows in my team, so this specific request should set the custom field for the "type of job" which represent the workflow.

Secondly I need it for the metrics: I need to know how many activities are been opened on my team and especially of which kind.
I started tracing just the raw number of activities and of course I get a huge spike because of the automatic sub-task creation, see image


Without being able to discern what is what, this metric serves little purpose.
Moreover, as I mentioned, the sub-activities capture specific work: design of this sub-system, design of that sub-system, etc.

It's very important for sales and sales engineering to understand the market they are capturing and see trends, and so far I'm not able to trace this. If I could set custom-fields automatically from requests as well as in blueprints, then I'd be able to let teams generate work easily, and I would have this work correctly fill the metrics.

As it is it gets all mixed up, and I have to go and do a lot of manual work to set it manually. Just like most anything with custom fields.
Please guys, make these things more intelligent, I beg you!

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Hey everyone, thank you for all of your feedback about this. I would recommend creating a Product Feedback thread for this suggestion. Once that thread reaches 60 upvotes, our Product team will be able to provide you with a status update. You can read more about our process here.

If you have any other questions let me know! 

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I too am keen to see this integrated into the blueprints.

I have upvoted on this link 

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Thank you Brooke Watts, and welcome to the Community 👋

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Why on earth would you not make custom fields that are available across entire accounts NOT available in blueprints?! This is quite a basic requirement.

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Hi Jeremy Muscat, welcome to the Community. Thank you for your chiming, I completely understand how this option would be beneficial for users. I'm passing your comment on to our Product Team, plesae feel free to read this article in case you'd like to learn how we process feedback 👍

Also, you can visit our New to Community forum to get the most out of your experience with our Community 🙂

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