[New to Wrike] Your Feedback: Progress Bar in Android App
This is niftyย ๐
If you're using the Wrike mobile app on an Android device, you may have noticed a new progress bar for Projects. This is a prototype feature and the Product Team are currently looking to collect feedback on how people plan to use the feature as they work towards developing it for iOS, browser, and Desktop app Workspaces.ย
In the Browse view you can see your Projects; underneath their name you can see a percentage progress bar, this indicatesย what percentage of the items/durations within the Project has been completed.ย

This only displays for Projects that have a start and end date entered. Tasks within Subfolders/Subprojects do affect the Project progress, while deferred and canceled tasks do not alter the Project's progress.
There are two metrics you can apply the Progress bar:
% of completed tasks = (Completed Tasks โTotal Tasks)ย Xย 100
% of completed task duration = (Completed Task duration โTotal Task Duration)ย Xย 100
% of Total Progress = (% completed tasks)+(% completed task duration)/2
You can also review Project Risk, color code the progress statuses. You can learn by reading thisย Help Article.
So if you're using this feature on Android, please share what you like about it and anything you'd like to see enhanced. It would also be great to hear how you're using it; are you using color coding, what metrics are have you applied to the progress bar?
Comment belowย ๐
This looks really useful.๐ช
I would like to see an option to see not percents but the quantityย of completed\total tasks (10/20 instead of 50%)
I have already created a post about it, but myย main question remains: When will it be available in browser view?
Cool feature, but would like to see it rolled out to browser view (currently the primary way we use Wrike).
It would be nice to see this in a chart showing ALL projects progress (in browser dashboard, report or analytics) to give stakeholders a high level view.
You should precise that to access this feature, the default view has to be set on "list" view.
If the default view is set on Gantt, Workload or Table, this feature does not appear on my app.
This is great. Would love to see this on the desktop version or web-based. If possible to also have a status updateย that you would automatically update based on the latest update, to further support the status.ย
This is what it could look like at the report level.
I really like this feature and would love to see it available on the desktop version, as I anticipate that will be the most used version in my company by most users.ย As others have commented, adding additional options for what to display for Progress would also be great.
Up-voting to add to the Desktop app!!!ย
UpVote for adding this to allow versions of wrike, browser, ios, w10, etc...!ย All of the comments above would also be further, nice enhancements.
Looks like everybody is in agreement... this should be on the desktop version.ย
@Stephen - any idea if this is planned for desktop?
Desktop version please!
Also, would love to see this available not only on the project level but on a per task basis
This is a perfect compliment to my request for a custom status option. Make this a desktop AND browser feature ASAP!
Hi Shawn, the team is testing this in Android to better understand any tweaks and enhancements need to be made before rolling out to Desktop/Browser version of Wrike.
Once I have an update about when the rollout will happen, i'll be sure to update you on the linked thread and here๐
Thanks! For thoseย of us who don't use Adroid, we are anxious to see it and use it.
Asana has this feature on web called portfolio's.ย Please make this a desktop/web feature ASAP!
Yes, please make this available on desktop. Would also like to see the option to breakdown percentages completed within folders of a project. Percentage of completion is a very valuable, and often used, piece of data for project management. I am not sure why this isn't available yet from Wrike.ย
It would be great to have this option in the desktop solution!
It appears that this is now available in Wrike Labs for desktop ๐ย
Hi everyone, I've got very exciting news - Project Progress for the Web app is now launched ๐ Please find more info in Brought to you by Wrikeย (make sure to post any questions/feedback there) and on our Help Center.ย
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