Efficient way to cooperate with Wrike Support

Hello Everyone,

i would like to start generall discution how to cooperate with Wrike Support Team.

At this moment (it could be my lack of knowleadge) i have to make a request on their page or send message for specific e-mail adress. How to link it with my wrike.


Every idea, every need, every question to Support Team i have in my Wrike as a task, there are pictures, conversations with users and specificated needs. 

I can't print it to pdf file, because it cut all pictures from task.

I can't send it as an e-mail to me, because I can't do it to myself

I can't invite support team to my wrike as a 3rd Party, because they decline.

If I make a request in their support page they responded to my e-mail, but I need it in my wrike.. how much time I spending to linking all those data... I don't want to count to avoid my own suicide or heartbreak.

What about your problems/solutions? Help!

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Hi Emila,

I have a feeling and no knowledge what so ever, but I think Wrike Support Team actually uses Wrike to handle their tickets. It would be nice to know if they are sending emails out of Wrike to our email inboxes, or how that all works. To answer your question, have you tried using the Wrike Outlook Add-In. You can create your own Wrike task when submitting a ticket, then when you get a reply back from them in your email, you can use the Add-In to add the email as a comment to the task that you already created. 

Hope That Helps.


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