Use Custom Fields in Email notifications
Currently, you're limited to selecting from a set list of parameters in the Email notifications automation like [item name] [status] [assignee] [start date] [due date] [author] [last modified date]. It would be fantastic to include information from a customer field. For instance, we have a field called "Job #." It would help to include that in notifications when a project status changes, etc.
Let me know if you agree!
For tasks generated through intake forms, you have the option to map the information to a custom field in addition to the description. All description information will be visible in the initial email notification. However, please note that in a chain of emails, this information will only appear in the initial email. This approach serves as a workaround for our users who may not log into Wrike daily and primarily depend on email notifications to stay updated.
Ali Moses, I'm referring to email notifications when a project is already being worked on, and I want to notify a team that a status has changed, etc. Right now, I can only use the following [item name] [status] [assignee] [start date] [due date] [author] [last modified date], but since I use a custom field like "Job #," I can't include that in the email notifications.
I hope that clarifies.
Rohan V Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Rohan V Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Is it possible to use a custom field that contains a specific email address to send an automated email from gmail? I need to be able to send reminder emails to clients at various times depending on dates associated with the task.