User Groups Following Tasks
My team has some key tasks in every project that need many followers manually added. Sometimes as many as 20 individuals across various depts.
It is a bit manual and easy to add the wrong person or miss someone as we have many Wrike users.
I thought by creating user groups and @mentioning the group it would add the individuals to the followers list to streamline and simplify the process. I learned that although @mentioning groups shares the task with the individuals, it does not add them as followers.
I believe this would be a great feature because when you @mention individuals separately it does add them as followers.
Agree. More control over followers is needed. It would also be great to be able to adjust follow settings in user settings.
It would also be great to add followers in a blueprint so that when the tasks are created, the individuals can be preset to follow.
Thanks a lot for submitting your idea David Wayne! I hope you don't mind that I've changed the title here a bit and added a mention of user groups to it.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
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