Upcoming Training Session - Automation for Creative and Marketing Teams: Share Your Ideas! ๐Ÿ™‹

Hi folks ๐Ÿ‘‹

You may remember that we recently asked for your ideas for our next training sessions, and weโ€™re happy to let you know that we started prepping a session that will cover automations for Creative and Marketing teams (but it will also be useful for anyone using Wrikeโ€™s automation ๐Ÿ˜‰)ย 

Big thanks to everyone who shared their ideas!ย 

Now,ย  we need your help to make this session as relevant and useful as possible. We'd love to hear about the specific topics you'd like us to cover during this training. Are there any particular challenges you're facing with automation rules? Do you have any unique use cases that you'd like us to discuss? ๐Ÿ“Œ

Please share your thoughts, ideas, and use cases in the comments below ๐Ÿ‘‡ Your input will guide the content of our training session and ensure that we address your actual needs.ย 

Weโ€™ll let you know the session details and how to register shortly, and we can't wait to deliver a training session that's tailored to your needs!

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Dear WRIKE Community,

Here is the use case for automation that I need to solve.

Objective: I'd like to have two conditions met on AND or OR unifiers in order to set the resulting action.

Use Case: Implementing Baseline turnaround metrics takes in consideration two parameters currently tracked in WRIKE for every project: Project Size, Project Priority. Upon different combinations of these parameters the Project Multiplier is determined. The project Multiplier is then used in the formula to calculate Baseline turnaround time for the project.

See the table describing relationships between different parameters and resulting turnaround time.

Thank you,



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One challenge I've run into is our firm wants to notify our users (assignees to each task) a certain # of days in advance of a task due date, via a custom task automation through an Outlook E-mail. I worked on automations with the support team for this; applying the rule to tasks in a space, then when due date will be within the next ____ days, with the condition that the task is ____ days from due date, to then have Wrike send an Microsoft Outlook E-mail.

All of this worked well until I got to this step, where I'd like to see if there would be a way to select the E-mail recipients as "Assignees to the task". Instead, you only have the option to manually type out every E-mail address, where I think for this to work properly I'll have to create a custom task for every project, and have many more custom tasks than I would need, because I can't have the assignees on the task automatically E-mailed when the custom single select task is checked.

Is there a way in the future where Wrike could tie the assignees user E-mails we have programmed to their licenses (since user E-mails are already in Wrike under (Settings - Account Management - Users), in an automation, to E-mail "assignees assigned to the task" as opposed to manually having to type them out and be limited by the users working on a project via a custom task? Our engineers vary project to project, but the notification doesn't, so I'm now having to create custom tasks for every project based on the users, as opposed to the users/assignees assigned to a task. Thank you!

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Our team occasionally has tasks that need to be completed for certain projects but not all of them. We might get these details after we receive a work request (by way of a request form), so we can't decide if it makes sense to build this into our work item template that gets made from the form. Our other option is automations based on a couple of single select custom fields. It would be nice to walk through some nuances about subitem creations from automations: any ways to capitalize on blueprints and potentially setting naming conventions for the subitems based on the overall task/project the automation applies to. Thanks!

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  • Definitely adding in Custom Field Date Automations - OR the ability to automate after X number of days (not just when the task is overdue/date has passed).ย  More flexibility with dates in other words
  • Sending @mentions with teams (either as a direct chat/chat bot - Wrike) OR @mentioning them in the space.ย  For example - I have teams using a request form to submit bugs/support requests.ย  After I evaluate and triage as applicable, if I change the status to with "Sys" Admin - ideally I want them to be notified in the teams channel that their ticket is now being worked on, so to speak
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I'd second Sean said above and take it one step further to be able to notify users at custom periods when an item is overdue. I brought this up before in the forums and I know it's still in the feedback area. It seems like since we can do custom time frames leading up to a due date, we should be able to do custom time frames AFTER a due date.

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I agree to Sophia. We have also different approvals and information depending on two variables. So a message or a approval request should be send out to different users or user groups (each member of the group has to approve) depending on two custom fields.

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We have a request form that asks for the frequency of the submission that is created as a singular task. I'd like to use the "duplicate" automation to duplicate the exact item X number of times based on the answer to the frequency question. What I see currently, is I need to provide a name for the "duplicated" project up front which would differ by submission. Our work around right now is an automated notification to tell me to set up a recurrence, which isn't ideal.

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Hi folks, thank you for sharing your use cases! We'll see how we can incorporate them into the training session ๐Ÿค—

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Maybe a simple automation like how to automatically tag certain users if a particular project, folder or space it tagged in the task.

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For me there are some automations that are missing today that could be really useful:

- Ability to do triggers on custom fields containing formulas, we have formulas that tell us how many hours are left on the project (from an entered budget - the sum of the timelogs) and I should use that data to be able to alert those in charge when 50% or 80% of the consumed budget is reached.

- Ability to copy values present in the project to specific tasks within the project. For example I have a client who works in photovoltaics, I have created a kind of virtual warehouse for them and I need to know when a system will be installed even within all the products are (12 different tasks with 12 different CITs). Now I have solved with APIs but it would be useful to be able to change a data also through automations.

- Same concept but with different fields: in our blueprints we use roles as standard assignees to have easier activation of new tasks. I would like that if I change the role in the blueprint owner or in dedicated custom fields (e.g. SEO Specialist) all the tasks within the blueprint, assigned to the SEO Specialist role will be assigned to the same person indicated in the dedicated custom field.

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Thanks everyone!

I have to say we were looking for your ideas for training and not necessarily future enhancement ideas here, but we'll share your feedback with the team responsible for automation anyway, of course ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi! I would like to second the request for adding in Custom Field Date Automations. This would really help us in our proofing process.

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Hi WRIKE Community,

Here is another use case that needs to be solved while working on multiple projects with multiple dependencies:

1. When the assignee is outside of the project team but needs to provide a Final Approval before project delivery, the status of the project typically changes to Waiting on External Input.

2. When the project starts and after some time goes on Hold due to external reasons, the status of the project is set to On Hold.

For use cases like the above I would like to have an ability to subtract the time of the Waiting on External Input and On Hold from the Actual Turnaround time. Actual Turnaround time right now is calculated via formula: ((([Due date] -[Start date]) /7)) *5.

What automation rules can be developed to accommodate the ask?

Thank you,


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Hi folks! This is a thread where we ask you to share use cases for the upcoming session, not product ideas, but we do appreciate your comments ๐Ÿค—

Sophia Malobrodsky, we'll try to address this use case during the session!ย 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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