Duplicate custom field values from project > task (custom item type)
We use Task type Custom Items to represent deployment in a marketing calendar, so within a Project for an email, as an example, we'll have an Email Custom Item Type set for the date of deployment. Only Email Custom Item Types get pulled into a Marketing Calendar.
I'd like to put in some custom fields that duplicate from the project level into the task level, so if it's marked as a promo email, going out to customers in a particular region, etc, we would put that in the project level for everyone working on the project to have visibility, but would also love to see it at the task level for a quick glance when scrolling through the calendar. Any ideas on automation for that?
Andrea Fazio - Here's a product feedback post that's discussing a similar concept, getting custom fields to flow between tasks and subtasks. I think the short answer is it isn't currently possible to automate the linking or distribution of custom field data. However, if you use the table view you can copy and paste (or click and drag) to fill in the custom fields.
@... are there any updates to this? I would also like to be able to have an automation that copies parent custom fields down to subitems.
Hi Sarah Jones, welcome to the Community! Thank you for chiming in; I'm afraid that we don't have updates about this suggestion at the moment. We will keep you informed if anything changes 👍
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