Tracking Time in Tasks Assigned to Multiple Projects
My company tracks time by project, but on occasion we have a task that we need to do for multiple projects, and to save time we would like to assign this task to all the appropriate projects. However, we don't know if this will result in the time being double counted. For instance, if an employee spends 10 minutes working on a task for project A and tracks the time there, and then spends 10 minutes working on the same task for project B, would both project A and B list the time spent on the task as 20 minutes, resulting in a total time of 40 minutes? If this is the case, what can be done to prevent this?
Hi Matthew! When a task belongs to several Folders, it doesn't get duplicated. It is still the same task that just has several Folder tags and it appears identical in every Folder. Therefore, time that your colleagues track on this task will not double. Please let me know if you have any questions about this, I'll be happy to help. ;)
Okay, but what if we want to track time for each folder or project separately? Will we have to make a new task in each case?
Hi Matthew! Jumping in for Anna here. You're right, one way to separate the Time Tracker for each Folder/Project is indeed to create separate tasks within each Folder or Project. On tasks with multiple Folder tags, it is also possible to add comments while submitting the time with the indication of which Project the time has been tracked for. In this case the comment will be then visible in Timelog View and will allow you to manually separate the time for each of the Projects. Would this help? Happy to answer any other questions and learn more about your use case!
Hi, the solutions offered here do not really help. I tested a single task that we have created in Wrike that is assigned to 2 PROJECTS - not folders, as we are working with projects here. When I added 10 hours to the task, both projects showed a tie spect increase of 10 hours. Without duplicating the task and then assigning each copy uniquely to the project (instead of one task assigned to multiple projects), is there a way to divide out the time spent on this one task across the assigned multiple projects? For example, in my 2 project to 1 task assignment example, is there a way that I can have the 10 hours allocated equally to both of the projects, where each gets allocated a time spent of 5 hours each project? Further to that, and to the original question, is there a way that we can allocate a percentage of the time, or hours spent, in the task but assign values to each of the assigned projects?
Hey Paul Needler, thanks for reaching out! I can see you've discussed this with our Support team 👍
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