Billing administrator / Account owner

It would be a useful feature to set a team member as the billing administrator or to easily switch account ownership to a team member more suited to deal with finances.


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Hi Kyle, thanks for taking the time to share this request on the Community! I know you've already discussed this with the Support Team, but just in case anyone else is interested in this, I wanted to mention that we're happy to help out with transferring account ownership - just let me know :)

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I agree with Kyle. It would be helpful for the Account Owner to grant a team member (who is more suited to deal with finances) permissions to view and download the invoices. Currently, only the Account Owner has access to the Billing Section. 

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Maybe an older issue, but still valid. Today we changed our account ownership.It was really bothering!

Why? Because in the meantime we have a new domain, whilst the old one is luckily still active. A few emails were needed and as I am the Head of IT in our company I could change the From in my mailings to the old domain. Only this way it was possible and accepted to change the account ownership to someone else in our company.

So: please make it possible to make this changes directly inside wrike. The way it is now is just not user-friendly and error prone, old fashioned. Moreover: also the wrike support has more work to do this way. Hence: no reason, not finally to make this possible inside wrike!

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I agree, the account owner is not always the one that needs to access billing or manage payments.  It would be very helpful to either have a role that allows this or just give this to the admin roles.  I am not sure why this is protected that way.

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or just to be able to enter an email address on which a copy of the payment will be sent. I would be able than to enter the email of the finance department.

This solution would be enough for me.

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Hey everyone! It is possible to change ownership of the account within Wrike by going to Account Management, and then going to Settings. I don't have an update for you for only switching billing information to someone other than the account owner, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

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