Fix Email Integration: Tasks Not Updated or Created in Wrike
This page is for all Wrike users who are having issues with Wrike's email integration. You sent email to or a task, folder, or project's unique email address, but it didn’t create or update a task.
Make sure that you sent an email from the email address associated with your Wrike account.
If you’re a member of multiple Wrike accounts, check your email integration settings to make sure you’re sending the email from the right email address to the right Wrike account.
Make sure that your email has a subject line. Emails with an empty subject line don’t trigger task creation and updates.
Also, check if you have "RE:" and "FW:" at the beginning of the subject line. Emails containing "RE:" and "FW:" will add the email body as a comment to the task.
If there’s "RE:" in the subject line, then Wrike ignores the unique email address. If you want to create a new task in a specific folder or project and "RE:" is in the subject line, then you need to format your subject line to have the folder/project title where you wish to create this task.
Confirm that you're sending the email to the right address.
If you want to create a task in a particular folder or project, use the address or just copy/paste this unique address from Wrike:
Click the ... menu button at the top-right corner of the folder/project.
Select the Update by email... option.
Copy the link from the Create new tasks section by clicking the ⧉ icon to the right of the email address.
If you want to update one of your tasks, projects, or folders, use the address or copy/paste this address:
Click the ... menu button at the top-right corner of the folder/project.
- Select the Update by email... option.
Copy the link from the Add comments section by clicking the ⧉ icon to the right of the email address.
If you send an email to, but don’t specify a folder or project where this email should create a task, the task will be created in the default folder specified in your email integration settings.
Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the email to create or update a task, so after you send the email, please give it some time before checking if the task or comment is created.