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Sharing Reports

Table 15. Availability - Legacy plans

Unavailability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional; Availability: Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise.

Table 16. Availability

Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team; Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle.


All users except for collaborators and external users can share reports they have access to unless their access role restricts it.


On Enterprise accounts, the types of users who are allowed to use this functionality may differ due to user types settings.

You can share reports with all other members of your Wrike account. You can also share reports with user groups. If you create a report in a space, it's automatically shared with all space members.


Reports can't be shared with people outside of your Wrike account.

Everyone with access to a shared report sees the same data on the report. However, they are only able to open tasks, folders, and projects shared with them. Users can't open tasks, folders, and projects not shared with them, even though these items appear on the report.


Even if a custom field is not shared with a person, they still see it on a report. Meaning that if a custom field is added to a folder, project, or space that the report is based on, then anyone with whom the report is shared will be able to see this field and its values in the report. They will also be able to add or remove the field from the view via the gear icon in the upper-left corner of the report.

Share a report

  1. Navigate to the Reports section 1, or to the report created under the Tools section 2 of the current space in the sidebar.


    If you can't see it in the sidebar, click on the More button 3 in the sidebar and select Reports from the list.

  2. Select the report you want to share from the list.

  3. Click Share in the upper-right corner of the view 4.

  4. Click on the search field 5 (start typing the name), select the users or user groups you would like to share the report with from the drop-down.

  5. Click the access role dropdown to the right of their name 6 to change the access role:

    1. Full: All rights available, including the right to delete the report.

    2. Editor: Includes the rights to view the report and edit its settings.

    3. Limited: Includes only the right to duplicate the report.

    4. Read Only: Users can only view the report.

  6. Click Save 7.

The report appears in the Reports list of all users who it's shared with. You can unshare it at any time.

Unshare a report

  1. Repeat Steps 1–3 from the instructions above.

  2. Hover over the name of the person or user group you'd like to stop sharing the report with.

  3. Click the X that appears to the right of the access role 1.

  4. Click Save 2.
