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Email Notifications

Table 3. Availability - Legacy plans

Availability: Legacy Free, Legacy Professional, Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise; Unavailability: ;

Availability: Free, Professional, Team, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: ;


Email notifications are available for all user types on all Wrike accounts.

Email notifications help keep you notified when other users @mention you and when they make changes to tasks you created, tasks assigned to you, and tasks that you follow. Email notifications aren't static – you can respond to changes and update tasks from your Inbox.


You'll only receive notifications for changes that other users make. Notifications aren't triggered for changes that you make.

Configuring Email Notification

To set your preferences for  email notifications:

  1. Click your profile image in the sidebar 1.

  2. Select Settings 2 from the dropdown menu.

  3. Go to Email preferences 3 in the sidebar and scroll down to adjust your settings:

    1. Set Email Integration

      1. Refer to Email Integration In Wrike for more information.

    2. Set your email address for notifications

      1. You can select your email or add additional emails to receive notifications 4.

      2. Click Save changes 5 button to apply your preferences.

    3. Set Tasks, Projects, and Folder Updates

      1. Choose your preferences for when you'd like to receive notifications for tasks you follow 6.

      2. Click Save changes 7 button to apply your preferences.

    4. Set Email Notification Schedule

      1. Choose your preferred time 8 for receiving weekly and/or monthly notifications about:

        1. Risk Report.

        2. AI suggestions for automation rules.

      2. Click Save changes 9 button to apply your preferences.

    5. Set Product Reminders

      1. In the Product Reminders section, select your preferred time for receiving email notifications 10.

      2. Click the Save button 11 button to save your preferences.

How Do Email Notifications Work?

Task, Project, and Folder Updates

Set up automatic updates to get Inbox notifications 6 minutes after changes are made to tasks, projects, and folders. Any additional changes made to the same task, folder, or project during that time period will be included in the same email. By default, Wrike sends you only the following notification emails (but you can change your email preferences at any time):

  • Someone @mentions me: when someone @mentions you in a task/project/folder comment and a proofing comment

  • Someone assigns me a task: when you're assigned to a task or made a project owner, or when someone starts an approval with you as an approver

The email notifications described below are available for two categories of tasks, folders, and projects: (1) the ones that are assigned to you or created by you and (2) the ones that you follow. All these notifications are disabled by default but you can enable receiving all or some of them at any time. For example, you can select to receive notifications when comments are added to a task you created and at the same time opt out of receiving notifications when comments are added to other tasks you follow.

  • Date, Assignee, or Status is changed: when the date, assignee, or status of a task or a project is changed; when someone deletes or restores a task or a project; and when the status of an active approval is changed

  • Task description changes, or files are added: when someone updates a task, folder, or project description; when a task title is edited; when new files are added to a task, folder, or project; and when a new version of a file or a new file is added to an active approval or the approval itself is changed

  • Someone comments without @mentioning me or my group: when a user adds a comment to a task, folder, or project without @mentioning you or your group and a proofing comment is added or changed

  • Folder or task I follow is shared with someone new: when a task, folder, or project that you follow is shared with a new user or user group

  • Report is shared with me or delivered on schedule: when someone shares a new report with you and when your scheduled report is ready

  • Task is added or removed from a project or folder*: when someone adds or removes a task, folder, or project from the existing folder or project


    This email notification isn't sent when the new task, folder, or project is created and added to the project or folder by duplicating it from an existing task, folder, project, template, blueprint, request form submission, or Excel/MS Project import.

Recurring Notifications

You can also set up regular recurring emails for:

  • Risk Report: provides a weekly summary of potential risks that could impact the timely completion of your projects.

  • AI suggestions for Automation rules: help you maximize efficiency by identifying repetitive activities in your spaces that can be automated.Each month, emails will be sent only from accounts with AI suggestions enabled and only for spaces where you have admin privileges.

Legacy Recurring Email Notifications

In addition to immediate emails, you can receive daily emails:

  • Daily To-Do email: notifies you about tasks assigned to you and are scheduled for today, or with a scheduled range that includes today, and overdue tasks created by you

  • Daily Digest email: contains information about changes (comments, description updates, etc.) that occurred in the last 24 hours to tasks you follow


Daily To-Do and Daily Digest emails are no longer available on accounts created after August 5, 2022.

Product Reminders

  1. Subtasks Completion: When all subtasks within a task are completed, you'll be notified by @mention in that task’s comments.

  2. Next Task in Queue: As soon as the next task in your queue is ready to be started, you’ll be notified by @mention in that task’s comments.


From time to time you might see emails from our Marketing team in your email inbox about upcoming functionality releases, company news, and useful information on how to make the best use of your Wrike account. If you would like to make changes to this subscription please click here.

Email Notification for Missed @Mentions

The system automatically sends email notifications to keep you informed about important conversations by sending an email notification whenever multiple @mentions from teammates are missed.


A missed @mention (@mentions that are included in the daily email) is an @mention where all of the following are true:

  • The word "please" or a question mark is in the comment.

  • You didn't make any changes to the item where you were @mentioned in the 24 hours after you were @mentioned.

Notification Details:

  • Content: The email summarizes the @mentions you missed, including who mentioned you, in which channel or conversation, and the content of the message.

  • Timing: You can customize the timing of email notifications, allowing you to choose when you'd like to receive alerts for missed @mentions.
