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Formatting XLS Files for Import to Wrike

Table 3. Availability - Legacy plans

Availability: Legacy Professional, Legacy Business, Legacy Enterprise.; Unavailability: Legacy Free.;

Availability: Professional, Team, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: Free;


To import data from Excel into Wrike, the XLS file must be formatted correctly. There are two ways to get a correctly formatted XLS file: to download a sample XLS file and add the data you need to import there or format your XLS file manually.

Download a sample XLS file (already formatted)


To download a simple template with only the basic required columns, follow the steps below. For a more advanced XLS template with additional columns, click here.

  1. Navigate to the relevant folder, project, or space.

  2. Click the three-dot menu 1 button, located under the Space's name if you're in a Space. For a folder or project, you can find it at the end of the toolbar.

  3. Hover over Import 2 and select Excel 3.

  4. From the pop-up that appears, click Download a simple template 4.


Add the data you want to import to this sample file and start importing it to Wrike.

Manually format an XLS file

  1. Open a new Excel spreadsheet.

  2. In the first row, use the following terms as column headers: key, parent task, title, status, priority, assigned to, start date, duration, end date, depends on, start date constraint, and description. Required headers are title and description. The columns can be empty, but the required headers should be filled in on the top.


Remember to add a key number for each new row. It has to be unique, but there's no specific order required. The key column is essential when importing data from Excel into Wrike for several reasons:

  • Unique Identifier: It acts as a unique identifier for each row, ensuring that every task or item remains distinct, which is crucial even if tasks lack dependencies.

  • Dependencies: For tasks with dependencies, the key column specifies relationships; For example, if Task B depends on Task A, the key number of Task A would be referenced in the depends on column for Task B.

  • Import Process: It is necessary for the import process to function properly. Without it, errors like Invalid key value 'null', expected integer more than 0 and less than 1000000 may occur.

  • Template Usage: Although not always visible in Wrike's basic template, the key column must be added manually to ensure a successful import.

For Business and Enterprise users, to add custom statuses via Excel you should add a "Workflow" column to the left of the "Status" column and a "Custom Status" column to the right of the "Status" column.


Data in "Workflow" and "Status" is case-sensitive.

For users on Business Plus accounts and up (as well as the legacy Wrike for Professional Services accounts and accounts with Wrike Resource add-on), to import effort, add an "Effort" column anywhere before the "Description" column in your Excel file. To import the billing type, add the "Billing type" column. To import project budget data, add the "Budget" column. Please note that you need permission to edit these values in Wrike to add them via import.


When preparing Excel files for import into Wrike Team accounts, keep in mind that:

  • Each item should have only one parent item. If you add multiple parent items, they will be ignored and the item will be created within the first mentioned parent item.

  • The structure shouldn't have more than one level, if you add subprojects, they will be ignored. E.g., items from subprojects will be placed under the top-level project.

  • All imported items will automatically be converted to custom items of the default type in the current space.

  • All new custom fields are created as account-level custom fields. Users that don't have the rights to create account-wide custom fields will see an error message.
