Running User Access Report
Account owners and admins and user group admins can run User Access Reports.
Run a User Access Report to check what users or user groups have access to or check who has access to a particular folder, project, or space and what their access role is.
Click your profile image in the workspace’s upper-right corner.
Select Settings from the dropdown.
Click Access reports in the left panel 1.
Check the boxes next to the folders, projects, or spaces you want to report on 2. You can filter by folders/project/space by name via the filter box 3 or expand the folder tree to find the items you’re looking for 4.
Click Generate report 5.
(Optional) Apply filters:
Selected users and groups - shows items that are shared with the selected users and groups.
Anyone except - shows items that are shared with someone other than the specified users and groups.
Path column shows all folders, projects, or spaces that you selected in Step 4. Each of the items has a caret icon to the left of its name. Click the icon to expand the row and see the list of users and groups that have access to the item.
Shared with column displays a counter of users and user groups that have access to the selected folder, project, or space. When the row is expanded, you also see the access roles of users that have access to the item. If the selected item or its child items are not shared with anybody, you see Only you in this column.
Tasks or subfolders shared with column displays a counter of users and user groups who have access to tasks in the selected folder, project, or space. Click on the cell in this column to display the full list of users and groups. Then click a user or group to see the full list of items they have access to with the access role displayed next to the item's name in parentheses.
Filter by group or user allows you to apply filters to report results. For example, use filters to ensure that a folder, project, or space you report on is shared with the right people. You can also check what a specific person or user group has access to within the item you report on.
Click on a cell in the Tasks/subfolders shared with columns to see a full list of users or groups who have access. Users/groups matching the filter are highlighted.
View a full list of descendant items that are shared with someone:
Click on a cell in the Tasks or subfolders shared with column.
Select a user or group from the dropdown.
In the window that opens: filter the list by title or click the item’s title to open it in the workspace and change who it’s shared with.