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Locking and Unlocking Tracked Time

Availability: Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Pinnacle. ; Unavailability: Free, Professional, Team;


All account users, except for External Users, Collaborators, Contributors, and Viewers can lock and unlock time periods on Timelog view unless it’s restricted by their access role.

When working on a project after reviewing your employees' time entries, you can lock project dates to prevent the entries from being edited. Use this feature prior to creating payrolls or preparing invoices for your clients or before exporting employees’ time entries from Wrike.


Only users who have the right to manage other users' time entries in the account can edit locked time entries or add new time entries within the locked time frame.

Lock time entries

  1. Navigate to a folder, project, or space 1 that contains tasks with required time entries.

  2. Switch to Timelog view. 2

  3. Click Lock or unlock dates 3 in the upper-right corner of the view.

  4. In the pop-up window, select the time frame 4 you want to lock the entries for.

  5. Click Lock. 5


All time entries added within the dates you selected in Step 4 are now locked. A pop-up with the Undo button will appear for a short time. A message that particular dates are locked appears in the folder, project, or space stream as well as in the stream of all projects, folders, and tasks within.


When you lock dates on a space level or in a project or folder with subprojects/subfolders, all time entries within all subitems also get locked automatically.

If you move a task, project, or folder to a space, project, or folder that has time entries locked, the moved item's time entries within the same time period are also locked automatically.

Unlock time entries


You might not be able to unlock some time entries if they are locked automatically because of the lock on the parent space, project, or folder. In this case, you need to unlock the dates on the parent level, and the dates on subitems will be unlocked automatically.

  1. Navigate to a folder, project, or space that contains tasks with required time entries.

  2. Switch to Timelog view.

  3. Click Lock or unlock dates in the upper-right corner of the view.

  4. In the pop-up window, select the time frame you want to unlock the entries for.

  5. Click Unlock.

All time entries added within the dates you selected in Step 4 are now unlocked. A pop-up with the Undo button will appear for a short time. A message that particular dates are unlocked appears in the folder, project, or space stream as well as in the stream of all projects, folders, and tasks within.

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