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Mapping Responses in Request Forms

Table 25. Availability - Legacy plans


Space admins can manage request forms in their spaces. Account admins and owners can manage account-level request forms. On Enterprise accounts, this right can be revoked from account admins.

When you map responses, you tell Wrike where an answer should be displayed in the created task or project. For example, if you add a short answer field and map it to the title, then responses in that field are used as the task or project's title.

Answers from request forms can be mapped to:

  • Titles

  • Descriptions

  • Start/end date

  • Attachments

  • Importance

  • Custom fields. By default, space forms can only use custom fields from the same space and/or the account-level custom fields. If you choose additional spaces in the "Other spaces" in space form settings, this will allow you to use custom fields from those spaces. The form would still belong to the original space.

Map responses

  1. Start creating or editing a request form.

  2. Add a question.

  3. The question is mapped to Description by default (unless it's an attachment or importance question).


    File attachment and importance questions are mapped to attachment and importance fields respectively, and those mapping options can't be changed.

  4. Click the dropdown next to Add answer to to see other mapping options.

  5. Toggle one or more appropriate options.

In Single answer and Multiple answers questions you can quickly map responses to single-select or multiple-select custom fields respectively using the Use custom fields as options button. The options are based on the custom field, so to change them, you would need to edit the custom field options. Alternatively, the options can be created manually.

Response mapping options

Question type

Mapping options

Single line text


Title, description, or text-type custom fields

Single answer

Title, description, or single-select-type custom fields

Multiple answers

Title, description, or multiple-select-type custom fields


Title, description, or number-, percent-, or currency-type custom fields


Title, description, start date, end date, or date-type custom fields


Title, description, assignees/owners, or people-type custom fields






If nothing is mapped to a title then it'll be the task or project ID followed by the request form's name.

The task or project ID is contained in the permalink. You can use this ID to search for the item in the account via the search bar.

If a response is mapped to the title, the ID will no longer show up in the title, but you can always find the unique ID in the permalink of the item.

If multiple responses are mapped to the title, then responses are separated by a - in the title.

If a Custom Field is applied to Projects, or to Projects and Folders, it won't be available for mapping if the Request Form creates a task.You can edit the Custom Field settings to make sure it applies to tasks as well.


Why did Wrike change the phone number I entered on the request form?

You should check the type of question that is added to your request form. If a Number type of question is used and it is mapped to Title or Description, the system will remove any leading zero's, extra spaces and add thousands separator (commas, dots or spacing). Responses mapped to a Number type of custom field follow custom field settings to add thousands separator.

e.g. a phone number entered like this 0433 167 614 will be saved in Wrike as this number: 433,167,614

In order to preserve the original format and spacing of the response, you should create a single line text type of question and map it to a text type of custom field.
