Lock a project


Is there a way I can lock time entries into a project for all users - not lock time entries for users that are already entered?

I want to be able to basically lock a project so that no one can enter any new time entries. How can I do this?

Thank you

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1 Kommentar
Lisa K.

Hello Mirjana McIntyre, the action of locking time entries can be performed only manually and for certain dates/projects. If you require a more holistic approach, I suggest moving the completed project to the location where users have an Access Role without permission to create, edit, and delete time entries. It is possible to automate the process further with the following setup:

  • Create a separate folder (e.g. Archived) where all the users whose access you would like to restrict would have an Access role without permission to track time on tasks.
  • Set an automation rule [When project status changes to Any completed] -> [Move project to] and specify the above folder. Basically, when a project is completed, it will be automatically moved to the folder with lower permissions which would prevent users from further editing/adding their time entries in the tasks. You can find more details on the automation engine, and available triggers and actions in our Help Center: https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057941793-Wrike-s-Automation-Engine/.  Please note that on Enterprise accounts, Admins should have the right to create new automation rules enabled by the Account Owner or Admin with the ability to grant/revoke admin rights

If any further questions come up, please let me know 😊

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