Urgent Tasks Pop Up or Chime Notifications
If a task is set as Urgent, having a pop up or chime notification to alert you when its due.
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If a task is set as Urgent, having a pop up or chime notification to alert you when its due.
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Yes, I would love a way for Wrike to remind me or a team member when something is close to being due and has not yet been completed; to send that alarm by way of popups, chime notifications, email, inbox notifications, etc.
Me too. I used Smartsheet, which had a notification/alarm feature that was quite useful.
All of my Task management apps have this feature (alerts or alarms for date critical tasks), except for Wrike. The lack of this feature prevents me from utilizing Wrike for my personal, individual task management. I would prefer to use Wrike for both group project type task and personal, individual tasks, and pull them all together, but it is more difficult than I anticipated. Even so, I believe I could work around it if there was an alert/alarm feature.
The alarm feature should be user selectable for the time ahead of task to alert. Much as Outlook's task are set up.
Hi guys, this is a really good idea, I can already think of many ways I could use it myself!
It's been logged for review by the Product Team, if and when I have an update or feedback I'll post here.
Keep voting and providing use-cases so our team can best understand the request 🙌
Our team would really appreciate this feature. With dozens of tasks due every day, it sometimes hard to sort through them. To be reminded of the urgent tasks by a notification, we would be certain that the important, time sensitive tasks don't get lost.
An email or text alert could also work to notify of an upcoming deadline. In any event, a reminder is needed to make Wrike an effective task manager.
Along with task pop-ups, we would like to see a pop-up reminder when a task is marked "completed" that tells the user to archive the task.
I would love if a few minor improvements were made to the 'importance' feature in Wrike! We would love if the 'importance' exclamation point showed up to the left of the task in our dashboards. This is showing to the right today, which gets lost because we read left to right. It's also not prominent enough - in order for us to skim through a list of a couple dozen tasks and see this, it needs to be larger or the entire task needs to be in red.
As someone with oversight of multiple projects, getting notified when a task has reached its deadline but not been completed would be very useful. Im not actively involved in every task in every project, so knowing when deadlines are missed, and by whom, would help me monitor my project leaders. Getting notified about deadline related events seems like it should already be there.
@Adam Clewley, I really like this idea.
Agreed! There are key tasks within our project workflow that need immediate attention, and when those tasks are not completed they are blockers for others getting work done. Having some kind of notification ping would be immensely helpful!
Hi guys, thanks for the continued votes and input on this idea.
I'm wondering if Staring tasks/notifications and Snoozing Inbox notification might help. Often when I have a task that I know I need to check up on, I Star the Task and then I have a list of Tasks that I want to keep an eye on.
Alternatively, if I get an Inbox notification and I want to check up on it later, I snooze it to a more suitable time and date so it pops back into my inbox.
This is not an exact solution to the above request but might be worth checking out if you haven't already. Stephanie has an interesting post about Inbox reminders that might be of interest too 👍
Yes a reminder feature would be of great benefit to me and my colleagues, currently i'm having to duplicate tasks in Outlook to give me this feature. If a reminder time could be added to a task on it's due date with a pop-up notification and chime alerting me at the time, it would do away with this duplication.
GFI Wrike - 😀
It would be great if you can have a time option for when a task needs to get done so I can eliminate having to add appointments in two places.
and a reminder when its due - or when setting up should have option to push a reminder 15 min prior as a reminder.
and when it reminds it should be like a time clock with alarm sound going.
I would like to add to my previous comment, if tasks are by time, then in the morning we can see what to do first next according to time to sort the day productivity even better.
I would really like to see some sort of reminder system... pop up, chime, etc. That would happen 2-3 days BEFORE a task is due... or completely customize-able. Please Please add this feature!
Hey everyone! Thank you for all of your feedback here.
The Product team are planning on working on notifications in general later on this year. If anything changes in regards to the status of this specific suggestion, I'll be sure to let you know.
Precisamos urgente da existência de alertas no smartphone com relação as tarefas que estão para vencer. As tarefas precisam ter uma opção de horario para iniciar, e em seguida que seja disparado alarme avisando no smartphone do usuario.
google tradutor: We urgently need the existence of alerts on the smartphone regarding the tasks that are to overcome. Tasks need to have a time option to start, and then an alarm is triggered warning on the user's smartphone.
Hi Rodrigo ..
Welcome to the Community and thanks for adding your feedback here.
I've checked in with the team on this. As soon as we have an update to share here we'll update the thread 👍
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Elaine Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Hi folks,
I wanted to share an update here to let you know that there are no plans for this currently. If there are any changes to this in the future, we'll be sure to let you know.
Please do continue to share your feedback and thoughts with us here and if this is something you're interested in, be sure to upvote the original request. The more votes an idea has, the more our Product team can see how popular a suggestion is with our users. You can see more about how we work with Product Feedback in this Community article.
If you need assistance with anything else or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to let us know 👍
Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Elaine Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию