Export to MS Project
Anyone knows how to export a wrike project to MS Project ?
Some customers wants ths format, and now we have to work two times...
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Anyone knows how to export a wrike project to MS Project ?
Some customers wants ths format, and now we have to work two times...
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Anna I. Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Anna I. Wrike Team member Узнайте о самых популярных функциях Wrike и советах по его использованию
Hi Anna
These customers don't want to use Wrike. They require us to send a MS project file. We need to be able to export tasks to MS project.
HiJosé, hope you don't mind if I jump in for Anna here! A direct export to MS Project isn't currently available, and while it's not something that's on our roadmap, I do have a suggestion which might help. As Anna mentioned, the data you have in Wrike can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet, which can be then in turn be imported into MS Project - there's an article about this on the Microsoft support center. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Dears, I would like to confirm that both import and export to Microsoft Project would be very helpfull, this because in many cases it is requested to work both "online" and "offline" depending on the stakeholders we are working with. I can say that the lack of the export capability in Microsoft Project i blocking in order to decide to invest in the tool
Hi Paolo, thank you for your input here! Any updates, I'll post back here 👍
Just jumping in to add my vote for export to MS Project capability. We have a client who works only in MS Project and we are separately maintaining parallel project tracking - a lot of double entry and potential for error.
Hi, wanted to add that this could be a killer capability that might boost the use of the tool. Not all the stakeholder can work "online" so being flexible to import and export from and into microsoft Project in most of the case is mandatory, otherwise all the advantages of a tool like wrike can became useless. Regards, Paolo
We really like Wrike but this is one item that is becoming a big hurdle in terms of us working with clients and partners who use tools like MS Project and SmartSheet. We will be testing out the solution posted by Remi per Stephen's direction (thank you both) and hopefully that works but from a product dev roadmap perspective in order to continue making Wrike viable for your customers please look at this - MS Project is really not a threat to Wrike, it's a necessity for us to support our business and delivery client value. We will always try to bring our clients onto the platform for collaboration and that's a key selling feature and channel but the MS Project step is critical to helping us make that leap for our customers. Thanks.
I'm going to add my vote for this as well. Despite my protestations, some of my clients don't see the advantage of working in Wrike and want an MSProject version of my timelines. Yes, there are work-arounds but this functionality would make your tool much better to work with. Thanks.
+1 for better MS project integration. At least export to MSP format is needed for 3rd parties who will not use Wrike, better still a proper integration to make real time alignment of plans simple.
Ditto Rob. +1 for export to MS Project and/or integration
We also have customers that require a MS project file format.
you Wrike developers / business leaders - you really are putting your head in the sand with two aspects you have chosen not to develop - work breakdown structures and being able to export directly to MSProject, it is hard to understand why you would be so set on limiting your much bigger sales by not doing this?
Echo the above. This is the main prevent for me ordering wrike for my team
Project...Project...MS Project. Interoperability is the key. Small thing to do. Sounds more like product positioning thing as opposed to something technically challenging. Some things just make too much sense.
I will be working with customer's and third parties that require MS Project format as well.
Hope exporting in MS Project file format becomes available soon. Exporting to Excel and having the customer have to initially create an Excel to MS Project map is not ideal.
Maybe this is just my product manager side talking (and I am a fan of MS Project's Gantt chart tool), but if I were developing software with proprietary functionality, I wouldn't be too interested in making it easy to move into a competitor's package. Yes, I know Gantt charts have been around for a long time, all with very similar functionality. But, there's more to Wrike than the Gantt chart. Does MS Project make it easy to export into other software packages? Just to educate myself, I did a quick Google search to see if you could export Asana into Project. The only support I'm seeing is CSV which seems to be consistent across most PM tools. I mean no offense by this comment, but I feel this is an unreasonable request. I'd love to hear if you guys know of other PM software tools that have this functionality.
There are many customers that simply don't want to deal with something new like Wrike especially government customers (DoD especially) no matter how much better it may or may not be.
In some sense I think over time MS Project will win this battle, it is almost as silly as saying to someone, we can't send you an MS word document or Powerpoint presentation or an Excel workbook because we are using a web product that you can't access and don't know how to use, but trust us, it is better and you should just subscribe to it. Customers are saying, Ya, so No, that's not happening, give us an MS project file or we are not going to do business with you. From the timeline of this blog, it looks like Wrike will reply with some happy go lucky answers but not actually do this, People vote with their feet...
I agree with Tom. My clients don't care. This is a tactical decision by Wrike team. Note import feature. If they can go in...they can go out. I will wait one more subscription cycle and then possibly vote with my feet.
New to Wrike. It seems from this thread that nobody has figured out how to do a map in MS Project to import that excel? I just tried but it's 9pm and I stopped after a few minutes as it wasn't simple. I was thinking about trying again tomorrow unless someone says not to bother.
Hello everyone, thanks for sharing your feedback here. All of it is passed to our Product team.
@Vivek, please check out Microsoft's support page. Also, this post by Remi might help.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Saw that. Relying on a 3rd party website that could go down at any moment for business critical items is a little too risky, will see if I can download that PHP code. If anyone else has found a way to avoid unneeded points of failure please let us know.
Having issues getting MS-Project to import the generated CSV file but that's a post for the MS-Project forums, not Wrike.
Sad to see this thread open after 2 years what tells me that some companies do not want to adapt to the reality of doing business.
We project professionals need to be adaptable and pragmatic to meet stakeholder needs but Wrike doesn't care.
In my research for a good-enough tool I have tested dozens of online project applications and unfortunately these mostly focus on fancy looking and movable Scrum boards or lookalikes and that might work for small office teams or groups of developers.
But in the Big Business and Government you don't have that luxury to force a stakeholder to log into Wrike which doesn't even meet their corporate framework for being non-standard and in most cases unknown.
However Wrike like most online applications doesn't support WBS, proper dependency linking and Gantting not to mention export to MSP.
These are critical features in complex projects worth millions.
The online software that ticks most boxes and doesn't break the bank like MS Project Server is: Smartsheet.
It has good-enough Gantting, WBS and export/save in MSP compatible formats.
Give it a try guys!
Pete/others: I've been using Wrike for 9 months now. For what it does, it's great. For small projects, it'll work fine. However my typical initiatives, both Agile Product & traditional Project, are $5M+ with 25+ resources. There are multiple shortcomings that mean I wouldn't want to use Wrike for them. If you do Agile, it doesn't have sufficient Epic/Story management. For project, it doesn't have the above items.
Don't get me wrong, I love Wrike. The ability to manage RAID logs in a single online tool across multiple companies is invaluable. SmartSheet doesn't do that. It can handle simple projects. But it's not the right tool for the more complicated scenarios. Which is fine, if a client can afford $5-$50M on a project, they can afford MS Project.
Good observations Vivek, much appreciated.
Smartsheet doesn't tick all boxes but it has the feature this thread is all about 😉
The money is also not the solution here.
You deploy projects of $250M for a government or big client and all they want is to get an MSP file. They have money but won't be using a tool that is unknown to their IT department and hasn't been sanctioned or doesn't have proper certification and clearance from a data security perspective. In other words their staff are not even allowed to open Wrike's domain or log in.
Funny thing with Wrike is that they advertise that switching from MSP is easy by importing an MSP file but ...exporting it back? No, not on the agenda 😵
Btw. Please let me know if/how to add a custom column in Wrike's Gantt chart that would somewhat track % progress / work done. Can't find it.
How many customers are you going to lose before you decide to add this feature to Wrike?
Since Wrike refuses allowing MSProject export you could improve your Ecxel export routine.
If I could customize columns, their names and formats it made much easy import of these files to MSP.
Come on Wrike, you are making this so difficult. We have customers who need to integrate our plans into theirs and you are making it impossible. Please, Please, Please help. You are going to loose business.
Hi Jennifer Breitbach! Thanks a lot for your feedback, it's been passed on to the team. I'll let you know if I have any news; for now, there are no updates from the team.
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover