[From Wrike] Wrike's Holiday Countdown 2022 - Day 5 📣
Hi Community,
It’s Friday, and that means this is the last day and challenge of Wrike's Holiday Countdown 2022! 🎄Congratulations to Day 4 winner Kelly R 🎉
Today's challenge:
Wrike's Community is a place where all Wrike users can ask questions, share best practices, connect and learn from each other. So for the last challenge, we would like to ask you to give a shout-out to another Community member whose answers, tips, and posts helped you in 2022.
Comment below @mentioning the Community member to enter for the chance to win. As usual, one winner will be chosen at random and you can check out the full T&Cs here.
We'll be announcing the winner of today's competition and the winner of the overall competition on Monday, so keep an eye out 👀
Thank you, Community for participating in the annual Wrike's Holiday Countdown! Good luck and happy holidays ✨
Sherrie Besecker
Lisa (especially for the post on the Wrike Governance Use Case Template)
I will have to go with Sherrie Besecker! Her comments are so intuitive and helpful!
Sammy did a great write up on how their big (+20k) company is doing hybrid work using Wrike, Teams, & Office 365. While our company is nowhere near that size, it is nice to learn how some of the "big guys" are doing it and that we're on the right path.
@...'s Releases about new features has been very helpful for keeping me updated on new features.
Tanya Pupkova's best practices for cross-team collaboration have been an insightful guide and reference as a highly visual learner. Wonderful step-by-step walk through of a process.
Lisa !
Aybüke Novosad thanks for supporting me =)
Matt Becker
Trevor Tollefsbol for supporting my feature requests :D
Sven Passinger for beeing in the German team
Lisa for your engangement for the community here!
Florian Kislich always has great input!!
Sven Passinger!
Anna Wallace for your support and collaboration!
Sherrie Besecker
This is a pretty easy one for me, Pietro Poli was the name that immediately came to my mind.
Pietro Poli has really brought great ideas to the community in both small suggestions, solutions to sticking points, and broader descriptions of his Wrike configurations. There are so many people sharing their successes, it is really difficult to pick one. I also often incorporate suggestions from Trevor Tollefsbol Florian Kislich Sven Passinger and Eric Fiero.
Huge thanks to everyone for your shout-outs 🤗🙌 Congrats to Brett Williams for winning the Day 5 challenge! 🥳
Find out the winner of the Wrike Discover Silver Certification and swag in this post 📌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Trevor Tollefsbol Aww! Thanks so much! What a nice surprise. :)