How to create project under folder through API

Can you please let me know how to create project under Folder on wrike through API. As on your documentation there's a tab with folders and projects but under this there's no API call for project creation. 
I'm looking here to get API call for project creation

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Actually I want  to create project in existing folder. like by using Folder ID and also want to pass custom fields data for project custom fields.
Secondly I want to get all projects list which are under any specific Folder.

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Hi Fahad Muneer! Projects and folders are treated the same way in the API, the only difference is that projects have extra information in regards to Project Owners, and Start/End dates. If you use "project" instead of "folder", you should get the results you're looking for.

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, be sure to let me know 😊

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Its not working....I changed the name of folders to project but i'm getting error.

{"errorDescription":"Method '[POST] /projects/IEAEA4ICI4R2AN4L/project' is not supported","error":"method_not_found"}

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Hi Ashir Zahid, welcome to the Community! I'm going to check with my colleagues now - we'll get back to you shortly 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa K.

Hi Ashir Zahid, Thanks for your interest in Wrike API. We have already discussed creating a project via API with you today during our chat and the Community team asked me to post a reply to the thread in case other users face a similar issue.

To create a project under a folder through API call, please use the endpoint /folders/{folderId}/folders with the additional parameter project

Additionally, if you'd like to set a specific status on the project, you will need to add the parameter project={"customStatusId":"your_Custom_Status_ID"}.
To get the "customStatusId" value, please use the following call: GET

My test in Postman:


Let us know if you have any additional questions.
Have fun testing Wrike API!

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@... How do you apply a project to a second folder? For example, the API is creating the project in one folder. I'd like the same project tagged into a second folder by the API. 

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Lisa K.

Hi Gretchen Linder. Thanks for the additional question. Once you create a project in one location, please use a PUT call with the parameter addParents=[folder/project ID]to tag it in another parent item. Please refer to our API documentation and the screenshot below for more details:

Let me know if there is anything else we can help you with☺️

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