[Status: Not planned] Editing Notification Types in the Inbox

I would love to be able to edit what kind of notifications come into the inbox. 

Also, more specifically be able to be notified of dependencies being completed. 

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Tighe, thank you for posting this idea here! A similar discussion was going on in another post recently, and it sounds like your idea would be interesting to users there. I'm going to go ahead and direct users from that discussion to upvote this one. :)

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I'd like to configure the inbox notifications in a way where they would show  @ mentions but not when assigned tasks. I'm assigned 200+ tasks at once for new accounts and when I receive all those notifications all my@ mentions get mixed in and it's time-consuming to find them.

Or, a way to filter notifications. That way I can see @ mentions and mark everything else as read.



Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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Rob, thanks for adding your comment to this topic! Does this issue come up only when you get 200+ tasks assigned to you at once?

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Hi Anastasia,

Yep. That's the problem here. When I'm only getting @ mentions I see every one. When I get new accounts and all future tasks associated with that account, the @ mentions get lost.

That is why I would love to have a filter to show the different types of notifications.  


Robert Taylor SEO Analyst

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It would be great to break that notification setting into two, and it'd be even better if we could customize settings for both the Wrike inbox and e-mail.

Our organization operates almost entirely from project templates, and some users have multiple steps on each project. When we create a project and assign users, everyone involved gets a notification for each task they're assigned to, and in some cases that's six or seven notifications at once. But we have that notification checked because we don't want to miss an @mention.

The over-notification is frustrating enough that we are considering turning the setting off, even though it would mean losing notification e-mails. But even then, we would be receiving multiple "task assignment" notification in the Wrike inbox. It's difficult for our users to find important information when their inboxes are cluttered up with unimportant notifications.

Just another voice in support of this. Thanks!

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It would be wonderful if we can choose if the notification goes on wrike or in our email. I can only see my emails at work, and it would be wonderful to see them also on wrike.


Thank you

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I noticed today that "someone @mentions me" and "someone assigns me a task" are now two separate notification settings. I cannot express enough how happy this makes my team and me. Thank you!

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HI, Bradley! Yes, this is something we just released for email notifications :) So happy to hear you like it!

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Hi there,


It is very important for us to have in app notifications(not email notifications) being sent to anybody who's following a task.

For example, we have a task where multiple people can collaborate on a single task: let's say, 5 employees and 3 clients. That's a total of 8 people, and we want them all to be notified when a comment is added.
Now, we cannot @mention all 8 people(just so they receive in app notifications) every time a comment is posted, nor can we ask the 3 clients to mention all 8 people(which they don't even know who they are since different people could be assigned to different tasks).
Now imagine having 500+ tasks and asking clients to mention all 10-20 people working on a task. And do that for each task. Impossible.
We need to have the clients and the team notified(basically, all users following the task) when a comment is posted, especially that they're all following the task.

It should be like on Facebook, for example: to let all people following/subscribed to the task, that a comment has been posted.
I know this works with email notifications, but we need people to get notifications in the app(mobile app, desktop app or web) not just on the email. The purpose of using such a platform is to collaborate via the platform, not via emails.

This is a very basic thing that should be implemented when it comes to notifications. Not sure why this has been overlooked.
Basically, all you need to do is to push the email notification to Wrike inbox.

We just signed up with Wrike this week. We thought that maybe we're missing something and got in touch with the support via telephone. It turns out that this is simply not implemented.
If we cannot have this implemented any time soon(which I don't expect to happen soon looking at how many other features you've got on the list to implement), we'll be forced to go back to our previous platform which did this basic thing, unfortunately.

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Peter, this is great! Such detailed feedback from teams who are just starting to use Wrike is always fantastic and really helpful for our Product Teams, who do look at all of the requests here. Thank you for taking the time to write this up!

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The whole point of wrike is to get stuff out of my email, not fill up my email with Wrike notifications. Currently, when someone makes a comment on a task I follow without @mentioning me, I get an email, but it does not show up in my Wrike inbox. If you are sending me an email, then put in in my Inbox too please. Why these are not in sync, I don't get. If they are in sync, then I can turn off email notifications (thank goodness), which is the whole point of using wrike. Also, your email notifications are like 5 minutes behind. We move a lot faster than that. 

And, yes, I realize I can see comments in the Stream for those I am not @mentioned in by selecting Tasks I Follow, but that is a "pull" type behavior involving several steps. Having comments on tasks I follow show up to the InBox would be a "push" scenario to get things in front of me sooner because people forget (gasp!) to @mention folks sometimes. 

And if some people don't like getting all comments in their InBox, you could enable users to opt out from certain types of notifications in their inbox just like you do with email notifications. Or, you can add a check box on tasks that says "Add all comments for this task to my InBox."

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Hi -


My team is not benefiting from the email notification that is generated by marking dependent tasks complete. This email is just one among many gets lost.


It would be much more helpful if a message or alert was sent to the assignee inbox when the previous dependent task has been marked complete.


Stacey Gill Munich Re

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Stacey @Jim thank you both for your input here! The team is actually thinking about dependent task notifications so having your insights on that topic is especially helpful right now. 

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I completely agree with all of the suggestions. I think it is redundant to receive notification within the Wrike inbox - if for example you get a new task for the day (referring to Recurring tasks) Wrike sends a notification to the Wrike Inbox (via Wrike Bot) and it gets mashed along with all the other important @mentions that we actually need to read and respond to.

The redundant thing there is - when I go to my Today's Tasks - it is already there anyway - so are Wrike Bot responses for the Request section. These can be customized as a task anyway when a person responds to the Wrike request you have created.

We would like to be able to control and have the option to see or not see - deleted tasks (canceled or anything similar) restored tasks, new tasks, basically anything that is system generated. It slows down productivity having to spend time on archiving or deleting these. For our team these are unnecessary. I like the suggestion of separate windows or maybe another check box that limits these notifications for users who do not want to see them anyway. 


As you can see below. I have spent a good hour archiving/deleting system generated tasks and these are just the @mentions we receive on an average day. 

It would help A LOT 


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Hi Jamie, thanks for sharing this detailed use case example. It really helps add value to internal discussions.

There are some options to disable Product Reminders from the Wrike bot but we understand that you're looking for more advanced preferences here and I can see how that would be useful. I have made the Product Team aware of the posts so if and when I have an update I'll post here.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your feedback here 👍

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Just to add to this discussion - at the very least, all notification types that exist on email should be able to generate in-app notifications.

Like others, we are trying to remove the reliance on emails (it's one of the big benefits we're pushing ahead of launch in our organisation) by using the desktop app and its inbox notification number on the start menu. I have just become aware today however that some crucial things just simply don't generate notifications in the app, but do send out an email.

An example is when someone writes an update on a task that you are following - nothing in the Wrike inbox, but an email notification can sent. That's a fundamental update that we can't do without, as we can't rely on people checking their streams to stay updated, but right now there's no option other than to try to explain to our business a complicated mesh of 'these things will notify you in app, these things will send an email...'

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Excellent point Liam - all the productivity research and best practices talk about reducing reliance on email for your task list. But this limitation in wrike forces a reliance on email - the very thing we have trained our team not to do.  Strong support here for simply mirroring the email notification options with the wrike inbox notification options so you can turn on/off notices at a granular level. 

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is there already a progress with the topic?

I like the idea and it would help us a lot. I look after 80 Wrike accounts and pretty much everyone has asked why he gets so much emails but in the inbox almost only @mention are displayed. It makes no sense to me...

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I concur with all of the comments and suggestions.  

Our need is simply to have Inbox Notices generated to the Assignee(s) of a Task upon a Status change.  We preplan most of our projects and schedule their Projects and Tasks with Dates and timelines weeks, if not months in advance.  We are currently doing a work-around by initially setting them up with a Status of "Pending Active" while we work through Assignments and Due Dates.  Then when it's time, we will change the Status to "Active".  Would like to have Notices get pushed into the Assignees Inboxes saying that the Project is active.  Right now we have to rely on email notifications, and these get lost in all the other emails of the day.  Users are clamoring for Inbox Notices.

Maybe you guys could roll all or most of these ideas in this and other threads into a major, robust enhancement of the Inbox Notices feature.  Checkbox options for when and not to generate a Notice, upon lots of these triggering events that the contributors are asking for.  It is true, we were told to avoid using email for Wrike stuff.  So, at least make it as flexible and capable as the email Notifications.

Maybe while your at it, see if there is a new name or nomenclature you can apply to it.  We are constantly having to explain to each other what kind of Notice we mean when discussing it — email or Inbox.  Even within this thread, I think some contributors are conflating the two.  I'm not sure what it should be.  But here, I am trying to get everyone to think of it as Notices are sent to Inboxes, Messages are sent to email.  Maybe it's a distinction without a difference, but the different terms are helping us to not misunderstand quite so often.

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One more thought: Include the addition of a new Option for when a "Task or Project is Deleted".  We routinely delete Tasks, or whole Projects with Tasks, that are unnecessary, superfluous, or incorrectly set up.

We would like to eliminate the Inbox Notices that go out to the Assignees to these deleted Tasks.  Before they even knew they had the Task, it's been deleted — confusing, and creates Inbox clutter.

Please see the longer, related, request description at:  Add Email Notification Option for "Task or Project is Deleted".

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Hi Rob, thank you for your suggestions here. I can understand why some users might want to see more in their inbox so thank you for adding to this request.

I've tested the notifications for 'Task Deleted' message and there's no direct preference for this so we'll make sure this is also brought to the Product Team's attention.

As always, we'll update you here as soon as we have any new info to share. Thanks!

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This is from a recent email exchange I had with Wrike support, which I'm adding here as suggested:

The problem with desktop notifications is that they disappear as soon as they arise, meaning that if I'm away from my computer I will never see them. I am most interested in notifications within my Wrike Inbox (for example, if I'm @mentioned or if I have a task assigned to me, I get a notification here).
It's frustrating because for email notifications, I had to turn them off completely because there were way too many and it was cluttering my inbox and defeating the purpose of Wrike, which is to centralize tasks/to-dos rather than having them spread across email/lists/etc.. However, there is no option to enable similar notifications in my Wrike inbox, which would be great.
So the two things that would drastically improve the experience would be:
1. The ability to configure notifications to go to my Wrike inbox with the same options available currently for email
2. To get notifications to my Wrike inbox when someone comments on a task I follow or have already commented on.
Right now, desktop notifications are essentially useless because they are so transient.
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I would like to automatically receive a notification when a new task starts ?

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi François, welcome to the forums 👏 ! Interesting, would you like a notification upon a change of status to a specific status then? Or maybe when the task's start date arrrives?

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Hi, thank you for your reply. Simply i want a notification when a task begin. This notification must notify the assigned user and must be in wrike inbox (for example to assign alarms on notifications)

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Agree with the comments posted! There are so many options for email notifications - all of those options and more should be available to send to your inbox within Wrike. Some people will want a lot of notifications, others will want to be able to turn most of them off.

I would love to have a separate notification every time someone responds to a proof. Sometimes I am waiting for one person who hasn't responded, but if I don't go back into the job and check every single proof waiting for a response I won't know that most people have responded and I am only waiting on one person.

If I am assigned to a task with another team member, that team member can change the status or other things about that task and I don't get any notifications. I would love to see this feature added so I am aware of the changes to the tasks that I am assigned to.


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Yes, totally agree with this. Our estimators, designers, pm, site managers don't need to check their task just to read comments. They should automatically receive an inbox notification for every comments added on assigned, followed, or shared tasks/projects. This should be applied to all wrike solutions, whether it is web, mobile or desktop.

We would like to reduce  email use, and whattsapp use, hence the reason why we use Wrike solution in the first place.

Our previous solutions have this feature as standard, but they offer less when it comes to complexity and compatibility with our business.

Please add this feature as soon as possible :)

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Hi all, we appreciate this valuable feedback and the use-cases help the discussions among out Product Team when reviewing this feature.

Once I have an update from the team, I'll be sure to update you here. For now, keep voting for the original post here and comment with your input so we better understand the popularity of this request  👍

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We need more control over what notifications can be sent to the Wrike Inbox vs. email. Please consider upgrading this so we can rely less on email and more on Wrike.

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i cant wait to get more control over notification in ios and desktop 

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