Adding holidays

Is there a way to automatically add holidays in Wrike?

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Mike, thanks for reaching out! We do have Custom Calendars which let you designate certain days as holidays. However, Custom Calendars are a Business/Enterprise feature. Depending on what you are trying to do, I may be able to help suggest a work around. Did you want employees to be able to check holidays (so that they know what days they have off)?

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I also have the same question but don't have a business account. is there a way to add in bank holidays to a project plan?

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Jonathan! Custom Calendars are the best option for designating days as holidays, however we can talk about some workarounds for the Professional plan.

One option might be to create a milestone task for each holiday. If you want to add the holidays to multiple Projects/Folders in Wrike, then I would suggest the following

  1. Create a new Folder and name it something like "Company Holidays". 
  2. Create a task for each holiday (use the holiday name as the task title).
  3. Schedule the task as a milestone and use the holiday date as the task date.  
  4. Open the Folder/Project where you would like to see the holidays and tag it with the "Company Holidays" Folder. 

If you need to add an additional holiday later, you can always add a new task to the Company Holidays Folder and the holiday will automatically appear in all Folders/Projects with the "Company Holidays" tag. 

Do you think that could work for your situation?

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I have an enterprise account, but want to be able to assign the same holidays to multiple users without going through each individual calendar. Because we have staff in different locations globally, it would be ideal to be able to select all individuals with a holiday and mass-assign that holiday to their calendars. Is this possible?

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Hi Dave, thanks for commenting here! It isn't currently possible to set up calendar rules, but there's a request in our Product Feedback section with a similar suggestion, and it would be great if you could add your vote there too: Custom Calendars. Happy to discuss the idea further in that post! :)

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I would like to see the "holiday" feature as part of the "workday" settings. For example, I could select Monday-Friday as our workdays, and there could be an "except" feature where I could select specific days that our office is closed. This would then automatically be added to all employees calendars, instead of me having to individually add "closed office" days to each individual teammate's calendar.

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Hi there, Keeley! Thank you for adding your comment to this thread. It's possible for admins to add non-working days not only to individual calendars, but to the whole account as well. Here's how to set up an account wide Custom Calendar from Account Management:

Is this the functionality you were looking for?

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I'm working at Tokyo.

I would like to import National Holidays of Japan to Wrike.
If we can select own original calendar from the list of each countries' Holiday calendar like Google Calendar,it is helpful for user, I think.

Akira IT manager

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I am working in a consulting company.  The projects we handle belong to different companies in different countries.  So, I want the holiday to be in project level, instead of in Wrike account level.

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I am a system administrator and my goal ist:

 * import the vacancy-times of my colleagues into wrike.

 * Do it instant

 * delete from and write into the auto-sync/import-calendar

 * Do not use any caldav-apps (owncloud, nextcloud, googleCalendar, baikal, ...); import the raw-data there and link it to wrike

 * configure an identification (i.e. emloyee-id ) on the wrike-accounts

 * May be do it via API calls (what other ways might exists?)

 * Do it as a "administrative api user" -- not as a regular user

 * ...?

Maybe have a special company-wide calendar with local school-vacancy-times (they differ in the "Bundesländer" (state / country state / province / ... )

I am able to transform the data as I get them to any other format (xml, json, ...).

I just need the API and the documentation for the api :-)



PS: At the moment I just need 1 country

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Martin! We have public documentation about our API available on our Developers Portal. I would love to hear if you're able to use the API to achieve what you describe in your post. We actually have a specific section of the Community dedicated to API and if you have questions along the way, that's a great place to ask. 

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I have an enterprise account and we need to be able to set up non-working days at the project level or at the user group level. We are a global company with 3 main regions and another 3 subsidiaries. Since each main office is in a different country, they all have different working day. Our project hierarchy is set up at the regional level so we would be able to apply it to projects at that level. This would work about 90% of the time, but we do have some projects that are global projects so they have resources working on them from all of the regions.

The best option for us would be if we could group users based on their regional affiliation in to mutually exclusive groups and then apply a calendar to that group with holidays for that region marked as non-working days.

Are either of these scenarios possible?

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Hi Brian, thanks for your post here. There's currently no direct way to do this but I can definitely see it's benefits for global teams.
Stephanie has suggested a workaround here which may be helpful to you for now. It's not an ideal solution but it may help for now.
Otherwise, it would be great if you could upvote the following Product Feedback posts which covers what you're looking for. Feel free to add your use case there too so our Product Team fully understand different perspectives.
Custom Calendars submitted by Ram
Any questions, I'm here to help 🙂
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Is there a clear way yet to select a countries' public holidays to overlay to a timeline?

Maybe even some excel templates to import for this?


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Hi Daniel, it's not available but it's a good idea! It would be great if you could add this detail plus your vote to one of the Product Feedback post above. This way this detail will be added to our reports to the Product Team.

Thanks for sharing 👍

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Hi Stephen,

Not sure where we need to upvote this.

Has there been any progress?

Seems to me it should be a standard feature, letting Wrike down :(



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 Hi Daniel,

It would great if you could review these Feedback post and add your vote to the original post by clicking the + button under post.

Custom Calendars submitted by Ram

This is something our Team are interested in looking at. It's not on a roadmap at the moment, but if that changes I'll update this and the above relevant post.

Thanks for bumping this post!

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