[Status: Launched ๐] Code formatting in task descriptions and comments
Could you please enable users to format text in both descriptions and comments as code? ย Similar to applying the <pre> and <code> HTML tags, any text a user formatted as code would be displayed in a monospace font withย long blocks contained within a scrollable element.
Suggested mechanisms for implementation include:
- Dropdown selections in the GUI for code formatting.
- Single tick marks for inline code formatting, e.g., `code`
- Triple tick marks to demark the start/end of a code block, e.g., ```multi-line code block```
Bonus points for:
- Code syntax highlighting.
- Full support of the Markdown syntax.
@all, I'm actually so happy to announce that rich commenting is now available! ๐
A huge thank you to Tim who raised this idea here and to everyone who continued to give this thread momentum by voting and providing your use-cases.
This thread was so important to the team. Using the input here they could not only understand it's popularity but also how exactly everyone wanted to use this feature.
As always, our team wants to know what you like and what you'd like to see improved with this feature. This thread will be closed today so we can cleanly keep track of Community feedback.
Please go here to provide further feedback.
Ps. Let's share some ways you're getting the most out of rich commenting by sharing some tips in ourย Best Practice section ๐
Hi Tim, welcome to the Community! Thanks for theseย great and detailed suggestions. I checked in with our Product Managers, and while this exact functionality isn't on the roadmap for the short term, we're alreadyย working on several fundamental enhancements to the editing and commenting functionality. Stay tuned! :)
I was post yesterday something similar yesterday and Anastasia point me to this topic.
The markdown tick marks as you suggested fulfill all ย my needs, and of course syntax highlighting in the github style and full markdown support will be a bonus but I will be happy with the ` inline code` ย and ย the ``` block of code ``` ย tick marks
same as here :ย https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000404665-extensive-code-markup-in-description-and-comments-or-more-html-paste-compatibility
we really need this
please rollout this featureย
it isย needed to stress comments or bullet pointsย
Formatting text in comments is really needed, as it is very complicated to read long comments. Moreover, it is not possible to give a correct feedback without correct formatting, especially when working in IT/Design industries.
+1 for Markdown.ย
Thanks for the upvotes here! @Fabien, I can see how formatting would help, especially in the cases you mention. For design teams who are working with image/video files we do have a Proofing feature which is intended to help teams provide feedback on files. Proofingย is designed to just work with files, rather than comments, but wanted to bring it up in case it helps anyone.ย
Please, please add code formatting and additional markdown in comments. I simply cannot believe this isn't already in there. We can't even bold text, add lists, etc. Markdown with code formatting is an absolute must have!
Hi Andy, thanks for adding a comment here. If you haven't already, please make sure to +1 the original post above.
p.s. Great profile picture!ย
Markdown would be awesome and I do think that it's expected from a tool like Wrike to at least support that.
+1 for ```code``` markdown in comments and description.
Itย is absolutely astounding to me that this feature is not in here.ย Especially for a product marketed explicitly (but not exclusively, I know) to product development teams. Must fix ASAP.
+1000, it's ridiculous thatย a tool used primarilyย for technical project management is not able toย do basic code formatting. At the very least provide a "Courier New" font option until you include markdown support -- Gmail's editor's "Fixed Width" is a good example if you don't want to appeal to the tech crowd which favors markdown. If you do want to cater to us, include syntax highlighting for extra brownie points ;)
when this is going to be released, i think this is much better improvement than the hiding or showing the left barย
+1 for markdown in descriptions and comments. DoneDone, Pivotal Tracker, JIRA enable this. Thanks!
Cmonnnnn wrike.ย Seriously?ย
Hi @Pedro, we're passing along the feedback here to our Product Managers (and give them updates on an ongoing basis as the thread gets more +1s and comments). If we hear that this is going to be implemented or added to the short-term roadmap, we'll make sure to update this thread.ย
@stephanie this has 45 this is a much urgent featureย
Hi Pedro, hope you donโt mind if I step in for Stephanie here. Your comments and votes help us understand the popularity of requests and our Product Team considers them when implementing future enhancements, so thanks again for upvoting this request and sharing your thoughts.
Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Learn about Wrikeโs killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
Anna G Wrike Team member Learn about Wrikeโs killer features and best practices with our Online Training Webinars
We just moved our developers over and dang I'm wishing we had this. Pasting over their reference documents from Trello in markdown formatting now looks like garbage :/ย I can see this being highly useful in commenting for us as well. Upvote added!
This has to be critical. I'm not sure if the wrike team gets it... this isn't a feature, this is an expectation for PM apps everywhere. You have to be able to support markdown in comments. Like... even Trello has markdown...ย
+1 We absolutely needย code formatting too. We lost so much time trying to read code because of wrong formatting...
Could we get some feedback of the Product team, as this issue is now 4-months aged?
All our clients ("collaborator" role) complain that they can no more format their answer, which is sometimes essential. They use to play with our Redmine platform so it is really difficult to explain that the Wrike solution is better, as they only see a regression for their common use cases...
So I would like to have some concrete information from the Wrike team to know if we can expect this will be taken in account or if we need to look for another solution for the next year.
I'm the product manager for the core Workspace functionality. Thank you for all of your comments here.
The comment stream (like the task description) was built when Wrike first launched, it's one of our earliest features, and as a result, the functionality there is limited. Right now we are working on updating the task description editor (because that more urgently needed a refreshment) and after that, the plan is to update our task stream and comment capabilities. I work with our Community team and I know how important this is to you. We will make sure to read this post to get a better idea of what people are looking for when we're ready to start development.
Thanks for your answer. I provided some examples of formatting options to the Team support team (Valentine), for the comments and also a new feature for the main WYSIWIG editor (monospace format).
what is the timeline to get this accomplished?ย
@pedro +10000. The only question that matters.ย
Hi everyone, jumping back in for Andrey here. We don't have a concrete date to share right now, just that it is something the team plans to work on. The first step is releasing changes to the task description editor and the team will go from there. We will make sure to keep this thread updated as we have more information.ย