"Executive" role

It would be awesome if there was an "Executive" role that didn't count towards the # of seats. I have 8-10 senior folks who will literally never have a task assigned to them but want to monitor progress. The dashboard is *perfect* as I can create custom widgets and share it with them. They likely wouldn't even drill down into the details. Alas right now I have to decide between paying for more seats (won't happen) or cutting others out (won't happen) or screen capping that and emailing out on a cadence.

Not a huge issue, I'm used to emailing out charts, but this would help cut out 1 hour/week of work. 2.5% productivity improvements is 2.5%...

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I completely agree with this.

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Love this idea! Sharing with people outside the team (especially those whose instinct is to print in order to read something) is key. The sharing of things with a link (like in the gantt chart view) like a special dashboard or table view would be so handy!

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Hey guys, just wanted to mention here that you can use Report Snapshots.

Collaborators can view Reports that are shared with them, and they don't take up a license seat. Hope that helps 🙌

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Won't work for 2 reasons:

1) My dashboard has 6 different items in them. 3 different states, action items can be in any one of them. Open, Pending Closure, Closed. We also have Risks, high/medium/low. They'd need to run 6 reports. And for VPs and above, that means they'd make me run 6 different reports and email them. 

2) Reports don't offer drill down. IE, right now I have 29 open items, 30 pending closure, 6 closed. (project just started). But which ones? That's another report. If they want to know what those 29 open items were they need to run another report. I could either write a single report for all action items but it could be long and they need to skip the info they don't care about, or write 6 reports.

Both those paths lead to "senior people will not use reports. They'll just make me, combo project/product owner, email them things."

Unfortunately this has the secondary effect of "Wrike is only something the little people use. It is not meant for senior people, and it's just so they don't have to email each other excel or project plans. It's not really that useful, certainly not more than $X/year" Which makes it much impossible for me to beg for more seats, at some point they'll tell me to go back to using a share drive. Or worse, SharePoint (ACK NO)

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