[Read Me] Getting the most from the Product Feedback section

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Our Product Team is exposed to all ideas that are shared here, and they pay special attention to those which have gained up-votes and comments because it’s an indicator of how popular a suggestion is.

For both you and our Product Team to get the most from this forum we all need to come together as a Community to vote and reduce duplicates. Below is a guide to getting the most from the Product Feedback section.

Learn more about how Product Feedback forum’s voting system and statuses here.


  • Search! Check to see if someone’s already posted your idea.
  • Exact matches. The idea exactly matches yours
  • Close matches. The idea is close, but it’s not an exact match
  • New Ideas! You have a unique idea that you haven’t found on the Community

🔍 Search! 

Use search to check if your idea, or something very similar, already exists on the forums.

How to Search:

  1. Use the search bar at the top of all pages on the Help Portal.
  2. Check the “Community only” or “Product feedback only” checkboxes under the search bar. This narrows down your search and makes it easier to find what you’re looking for.
  3. Use keywords to search. Think of how others might think about your idea and the likely terminology they’d use.

 ✅ Exact matches

You’ve found an idea on the forums that resonates with exactly what you’re looking for.

  1. Add your vote. Click the “Upvote 👍 " button under the first post in the thread.

Voting on an idea tells our team that you’re interested in seeing that feature implemented (we look really closely at this data and every vote goes a long way).


👍 Close Match 

You see an idea that is similar to what you’re looking for, but maybe you want something slightly different or there’s a nuance that isn’t covered by the original poster. 

  1. Start by adding your vote. Click the “Upvote 👍 " button under the first post in the thread.
  2. Add a comment to tell our team a little more about what you’re looking for.

Our team looks at every single comment and providing more details in a thread gives us a better idea of what teams are looking for.


💡 New Ideas!

You’ve searched the Community and your idea isn’t there. This is when it’s time to add a new idea. Quick note! If you’re looking for an answer to a question or advice on how other teams approach a situation try using the How-To or Best Practice sections instead.

  • Visit the Product Feedback section.
  • Choose “New post”.
  • Add a post title. This step is really important. You want others to be able to find your idea, so be clear and concise by using terms and wording that’s easy to understand.
  • Use the below format when creating a suggestion:
    Why? - Describe what you are trying to achieve.
    Current Workaround - If you are are using a workaround at the moment, describe it.
    Suggestion - Describe a possible solution & the benefits - i.e. your idea and how it helps.
  • Choose “Product Feedback” as the section in the drop-down box.

  • You’re done!

Don’t worry if you don’t see votes or comments for your idea straight away. It sometimes takes a little time for people to read and relate to your post.

You’re also following the post automatically now, so you’ll receive an email anytime someone comments. So keep an eye out for anyone sharing a workaround or solution that may help you.

Note, there’s no email notification for votes so you’ll need to pop back now and again if you want to check the vote tally.

Any questions on the above, comment below 👇

Upvote 5
👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos
7 commenti

Thank you Stephen - I had direct experience with this just today. I was going to enter a new post for "Analytics for Projects" and as I started typing an exact-match previously posted suggestion appeared. I abandoned by post and instead up voted the existing suggestion and added my comment. The system works and I hope that more people will use it as you've described.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Troy, great to hear, thanks for the feedback 👍

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Stephen, I noticed some suggestions from the community (custom job numbers and forced custom calendar dates) initially had feedback from the Community Team but nothing in over a year in some instances. This is despite quite a few people asking for these features. Before I look at committing to Wrike, do you have a roadmap you can share for the future and does the no discussion on the above two topics mean that it will not form part of that roadmap. Thanks in advance!

Here are the topics:



👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Here's the thing:

If I am told to "search" for similar posts to comment, vote or create my own post, is there no way to "tag" my question to a specific topic?
Is there a way to see posts in a more organized fashion? if I can get a table view of relevant posts I may be able to search faster.  

I am the Wrike administrator for our organization and it just seems like there should be a better way to organize user product feedback than to leave it up to people HAVING TO SEARCH, filter by votes, posting and voting on it and then sitting and waiting. 

Clicking through 10-12 tabs because the topic I search had 118 posts, then finding the most relevant one to my issue when I can't even see them all at once. since the burden of discovery and posting and dialogue is on me to search and then try to build enough traction, it just seems very inefficient.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

@Andrew Hi 🙂 Currently, we don't have a public roadmap, but thanks for bringing this up! As for the threads that you mention: our Product Feedback forum works by the voting system and the more votes there are, the easier it is for our Product team to assess the popularity of suggested features. Once a suggestion reaches 60 votes, we add a Product Feedback status to it. I'd recommend you to check out What happens with Product Feedback if you're interested how we as the Community team work and why some features can't be implemented (although a lot of them have been implemented thanks to the feedback from the Community members 👍).

@Tattiana Hey there, thank you for taking the time to post that, and I totally agree, the way that you described would be a lot better than the process we have now. This is due to platform limitations, but I'll be happy to pass your feedback to the relevant team, rest assured 🙂

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hello, I am requesting two additional Sort options in Wrike's Product Feedback website https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/115000020349-Product-Feedback

1) Sort by Status (Investigating, Launched, etc.)
2) Sort by Created Date (to see the most recent posts).

The current options are too limited (Sort by Newest Post, Recent Activity, Votes, and Comments). 


👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hello Stacey Olsen, thank you for your suggestion.
We are always happy to get feedback on how our Community forums work 😊
👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

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