[Competition] Wrike's Holiday Countdown - Day 1!

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
Elaine Wrike Team member En savoir plus sur les fonctionalités et les meilleures pratiques grace à nos Webinaires online
I've just completed the About Me section of my Community user profile. Looking forward to upcoming challenges and to interacting more with the Community!
My profile has been filled long ago!
check 👊
Profile updated!
Profile has been updated!
Done! Enjoy the ❄️ today!
good idea this challenge to get things done...respect to your marketing team! 👊
"About Me" is complete and ready to go!
I've added a description to the About Me section.
Completed. Thanks
I have updated my about me.
Love this challenge 🌲 Done!
Check! 🙂
I am a Marketing Project Manager and a Wrike fan. I started using Wrike when I joined my current organization about three years ago and I love that the tool is always evolving and that new features are frequently introduced. Looking forward to connecting with other project managers and exchanging ideas!
Completed! 😀
🤜🤛 Done and done.
Profile complete. Thanks!
Challenge accepted and completed!
Done! ⛰
Done! I added a description to my community profile, and a picture! Thanks for setting up the fun challenges for the holidays!
Profile Updated!😎
I added my description a long time ago, this was a good reminder to maybe double-check if it needed updates! Done!
Profile updated!
Boom! Check me out. 😃
Complete! 🎺