Excel import menu missing

Hi have just started assessing Wrike. One task is very important in needing to import a structure from excel. Looking at the help for this it suggest clicking the three dot menu and moving to import from excel. The problem is the three dots are not there!! I can use the export to excel function. Any suggestions would be apprciated

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Are you able to upload a screenshot of the view where you are trying to import/export? Just checked multiple views and I do have it available in all of them. Based on the docs you should at least have the possibility to export to Excel (XLS) as it's available on all tiers https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037345013-Exporting-Data-to-Excel-From-Wrike, however import is only available on professional and above and not available on the free tier https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/articles/210324125-Importing-XLS-Files-to-Wrike 

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Thanks Thomas, I'll need to upgrade!

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