Downloading Files with Proofing and Review Comments
I am a new Wrike user. We just started using the tool about a month ago, and the biggest snag we have run into is with the "comments" feature when marking up documents (like a PDF, for instance). My client added her comments to the file directly within Wrike, but then when I download the file to share with my design staff for them to make the actual design updates, the comments disappear. The only workaround we have at the moment is to screenshot the comments, but then it is difficult to match what comment belongs where, and when new text is involved, we no longer have it in electronic format. Has anyone found an easy solution/workaround for this? Our clients are not using the Adobe extension, they are just using the general comments tools. We use Adobe / Creative Cloud extension on our end (as the designers), but the client just marks the PDF using the markup/comment tools.
This is actually a great suggestion. When we complete and archive projects it would be great to be able to export the proofing and approval for our records.
I've just started using Wrike today, and the lack of ability to import/export comments on PDF files has wrecked my workflow. Making comments to the online PDF version is the craziest thing I've encountered online (well, nearly). I typically go through and make comments, then review and revise before anyone sees it. But in Wrike, each comment is live the moment I post it and people start commenting on it before I've had a chance to finish reviewing the document. It's crazy!
Hi Jeff, the general idea here is to create real-time collaboration. If someone is viewing the task at the same time you're commenting then they'll see your comments there and then - people get a lot of value from being able to work on tasks at the same time as their team. Otherwise, after approx. 6 minutes of making a changes people following the item are notified either in their Inbox or by email depending on their profile preferences for this.
I can understand the points you're making both around providing more time before the comment is displayed and the downloading comments request in the PDF. I think this post in our Product Feedback section would be of interest to you. If so, can you please upvote the original post and feel free to post a use case or comment there too.
Welcome the to the Community and welcome to Wrike 🙌
I agree with Kendra's post. I'm trying to get my team to use the Wrike proofing tools; however, some of our team still like to print document annotations out, hand mark them, and add them to a paper file.
Hi guys, thanks for your input here. It would be great to get your vote here on Liz's post about this. Feel free to add use-cases and examples of where you use this there too so our Product Team understand the request fully 👍
I would love to have the ability to export a review from Wrike with the document/image marked up and corresponding comments. Right now I'm working with a designer who is unable to view the Wrike image and comments due to some sort of error. To fix the problem I either need to repost the image, make all the comments again and hope that it works. Or markup in a PDF outside of Wrike, which defeats the purpose of the Wrike review entirely.
Hi Cris, thanks for your post. I think considering you're able to see the image and comments this may be something else altogether so I've raised this to the Support Team to look into it for you. You'll get an email soon if not already and the team will be in touch soon 👍
Thanks Stephen, but we are already moving forward with this project. The inability to view the image was an isolated incident, but that doesn't diminish the need to be able to export as PDF with comments.We generally don't have enough time to address It helps for archiving as well. Thanks.
Totally understand Cris. I'll keep the ticket open so the team can help with that incident. And if you could please vote on the original request for this in the Product Feedback section so it can be brought to the Product Team's attention that would be great! 👍
An option to download files with comments would be helpful for us to send files to outside agencies (for translation, as we create all our files in both English and French). Without this option we need to create marked up pdfs outside of Wrike for this purpose.
We use Word docs to capture client comments on a transcript, but don't see a way to accept those changes a la track changes. It leaves us having to manually reproduce their comments. Clicking "edit" gives us a version that doesn't display the client comments. We end up with a back and forth workflow. We would love to see the collaboration act more like track changes.
Yes! Please please add the ability to import and export files and maintain the the comments included!
For the most part we will be collaborating in Wrike and reviewing files there, but in the odd case that we don't have someone set up as a collaborator, we would want to be able to pull the document out and have it retain the comments. Our current use case for this would be passing an SOW through our legal team. And of course the flip side of this, is once we have our legal team review, would be the ability to import that newly marked up file and have the comments retain within Wrike for review.
I am having the same issue when collaborating with other departments reviewing the document. When uploading a new version of the document, it doesn't show the new file name. So if I have filex_v1 and everyone made comments to it, then I upload the updated version filex_v2 it still shows filex_v1 and it confuses SO many of the other collaborators they are always confused and dont think a new version is uploaded.
So some of my co-workers have gone to the solution to upload new version files every time they make changes - but we cannot archive the old version and the collaborators keep marking up the first file that shows up on their screen. It would be nice to remove or archive the old files (not delete) so my collaborators arent so confused. They dont even want to work in Wrike anymore and go back to emailing because it is so frustrating.
Lastly, I work with collaborators who travel all over the world and if they cannot get a good wifi signal they cannot work in Wrike and it is not efficient - so I end up having to send an email pdf for them to review. it would be nice to be able to download the wrike file with all the other collaborators comments and send it to the ONE person who needs to review and is typically the final approver of the document.
@all, thanks so much for your feedback here.
For now, I'm going to close comments as this is in the How To section and this request in the Product Feedback section covers the idea outlined here. Please make sure to add your vote to the linked request so our Product Team can review it in-line with their planning 👍