[Read Me] Become a Certified Wrike Expert with Wrike Discover! ๐
Hi everyoneย ๐ย
We have very exciting news today! The Wrike Discover team is happy to announce the first customer certification program with two initial offerings: Product Mastery: Bronze and Product Mastery: Silver.
What are Wrikeโs certification programs?
These two certification programs are designed for new Wrike users as well as for those who have been using Wrike for a while and want official validation of their skills. If you choose to be certified, youโll get Wrike training with award-winning content (Brandon Hall Gold Award for "Best Customer Training Program") and receive our stamp of approval that you know how to do things Wrike.
Product Mastery Bronze
Product Mastery: Bronze teaches you the fundamentals you need to become comfortable in Wrike's workspace. You'll build on that knowledge and hone key skills to become better equipped to get your day-to-day work done.ย Product Mastery Bronze is best suited for individual contributors who donโt manage projects.
Product Mastery Silver
Product Mastery: Silver starts with basics and builds up to cover everything you need to know to work effectively and comfortably with Wrike. This certification is best suited for team members who manage work. If you or your team members who manage work are new to Wrike, or if you are confident using Wrike, but want proof that you're an expert - Silver certification is for you.
Here are short overview videos in case you need more details: Product Mastery Bronze & Product Mastery Silver.
Please check out more information on the Product certification page. And of course, let us know if you have any questions belowย ๐
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
What are the plans for additional certifications? I am interested in becoming certified, but I am concerned that after I spend the money to complete the Silver certification, then you will release a Gold certification and I will need to pay the full amount for that certification as well. Is there a plan to allow certified Wrike experts to upgrade their certifications at discounted rates?
Hi Shawn Flanagan, this is a fantastic question! Yes, we're planning on releasing Gold, but it won't be this year (we're targeting 2021). Silver will be a prerequisite for Gold so taking it now will save you time later! Gold is being designed now, so I can't share too much, but as we get closer to a release, we will be sharing moreย ๐.
Are there additional courses included in certification that are not available in the Wrike Discover course catalog?ย
Hi Robyn Jackson, thanks for your question!ย ๐
Bronze certification consists of certain Wrike Discover courses, plus you'll have to submit screenshots of the work you complete and pass an assessment to get certified.
Silver certification is made up of modules unique to Silver certification and also certain Wrike Discover courses. Passing the assessment is required too.
Hope this helpsย ๐
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I paid for Silver Certification last week - but have had nothing more.ย
What is the next step? Am i missing something?
Debbie Brownlieย Once you pay for the Silver Certification, you can access it in Wrike Discover by looking at the My Courses and Learning Plans page.
Eventually you will hit a point in the certification where you will need to get a demo account setup and enter a code to continue. Someone from Wrike should email you the code (and some other very important information) soon. They told me I should receive the code within 24 hours of paying for the certification, but it took closer to 3 days. If you don't have the code by the time you reach that point in the certification course, I would reply here again; Lisa or Stephanie would be able to get this resolved for you.
Debbie Brownlieย I'm sorry about that - Shawn is exactly right, there's a point where you need an email code and demo account to continue. You should have received an email from me with that information yesterday, but please let us know if you did not!ย
Shawn Flanaganย Thanks Shawnย ๐
Thanks Shawn and Stephanie.
Can I suggest a welcome email.... with what to do next when you sign up?
Debbie Brownlieย Yes, it's always great to hear suggestions from people going through certification! I'll work on that, thank you!
Are they annual certifications? Or a one-time certification?ย
Thank you Shawn. That is what I thought, but read above that the Silver certification will be a prerequisite for the Gold. I am wondering if both will be annual.ย
Caitlin Beatyย I was wondering the same thing for Gold. I am guessing Gold will also be annual, since Silver is an annual certificiation.
Completed the silver certification last week. Useful! The different themed videos helped keep the content fresh while pushing progress forward.ย
Thank you for your feedback, Jonah Goska, I'm really happy to hear you find it usefulย ๐
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisaย - I am starting my silver certification, May I know How long will it take for me to complete the certification ? I couldn't find details as no of hours it would require.ย
Bilal Ahmedย The time it takes depends on whether you have previously completed the applicable courses that were already available in Wrike Discover. The Silver Certification combines some existing courses with some new certification-only courses.
I would estimate about 10-15 hours of time for this course, assuming you can dedicate your full attention to it.
Welcome to the Community Bilal Ahmed! Please see Shawn's reply aboveย ๐
Shawn Flanagan Thanks so much for stepping inย ๐
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks Shawn Flanaganย and Lisaย that helps in planningย ๐
I'm having issues with my Wrike Silver certification course. Some of the tasks in the practical exercises I am unable to do within the demo accounts. For instance, in the Capture Work course, I am told to sign in as Riley and open a Request form, however, I don't have that option.

I'm thinking that my demo accounts have expired and I am in need of them being reactivated. How do I go about asking for this?
Hi Shana Smith, welcome to the Community! ๐
I've asked my colleagues to reach out to you about this ๐ Please let me know if I can help with anything else!ย
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Once completed, how long does the Silver review process take?
Also: Above comments mention Silver being an annual certification - is that true?
Debbie Brownlieย - I agree on a welcome email.ย My course says I'm "waitlisted," but I have no idea for how long or any other details... I guess I just check tomorrow?
Hi Samuel Jackson, welcome to the Community! ๐ย
Apologies for the late reply! The review process usually takes 1-2 days, and the Silver certification is annual.
Ashlee Chaffeeย Thank you for your feedback! Can you please let me know if you're still "waitlisted"?ย
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Have there been any further developments with these certifications? My silver certification is about to expire and I can't find any updates on the certifications that were pushed out last year.ย
Hi Kristen! It's actually been the year of certifications here at Wrike (we've released two new ones this year ๐ค). In terms of Product Mastery: Silver recertification, we actually just released that this week - so your timing is perfect.ย
We set up the notifications yesterday and everyone who was eligible to enroll in recertification should have received an email with instructions on how to get going with recertification. If you don't see an email though, please let me know and I will reach out with the information you need.ย
Hi @...! I did not receive anything. Could you please send it over? Thank you!
I did not receive anything either.
Hi Kristen Gundersen, Samuel Jackson, Stephanie has reached out to you. Please let me know if you still haven't received an email.ย
Any update on the Gold certification?