Searchable Inbox

As a project manager, I find myself working out of my Wrike Inbox more and more managing various notifications. For one, Inbox can behave very slow throughout the day and I would love it to be quicker and more responsive. For two, it would be super helpful if there were more filtering or even search options for the inbox itself. There are times when someone leaves a comment on a task that isn't on my radar in a dashboard or the task itself has been vaguely named and it makes it super tough to keep track of. 

I've currently been relying on trying to remember to mark potentially important things as "Unread" as that's the only filter right now, but it's not the best system. 

ALSO I'd love the ability to mark things as unread in the Wrike mobile app. 


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Completely agree with Lauren, there have been several times I wish I could search my inbox. Other colleagues have asked me if it's possible as well.

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Stephanie Westbrook

@Lauren @Soraya Completely understand where this is coming from. I personally rely pretty hard on starring tasks so that I can (attempt) to keep my Inbox empty. Just curious if you guys ever use that feature or if it doesn't work for some reason? I know that it's not a replacement for search, just a useful tool. 

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I can certainly try to star things again, especially now that you can have a starred tasks widget in dashboard. However, it's often when I check a notification (which marks it as read) but then I get pulled by another Wrike desktop notification or out-of-Wrike distraction and I forget to reply or take action. And when I remember, it takes forever to find in the inbox. 

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Hi Lauren, just jumping in here for Stephanie. I have a healthy habit of starring a task from my inbox as soon as I read it, especially when I know I won't be able to activate it there and then. I understand it's easy to get distracted by another notification that may pop in so it's good to click the Star button to save time searching your inbox for an item later.

I also have a Dashboard widget of starred tasks which I can pop in and look at too - it's a pre-built widget (on the right below):

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