I am proud to announce the V1.0.0 release of the Wrike PHP Suite
Github repositories for Wrike PHP Suite:
- Wrike PHP Library - generic, lightweight library, for none standard integrations
- Wrike HTTP Client Plugin - for efficient http requests
- Wrike Serializer Plugin - for JSON to Model transformations
- Wrike PHP SDK - full pre-configured SDK package for Wrike PHP Library
- Wrike PHP Bundle - for Symfony2 / Symfony3
- Tested on PHP 5.5 to PHP 7.1
- Full covered by unit tests
- Decoupled from unnecessary dependencies
Version V2.0.0 optimized for PHP7.1 and Symfony 4 - planned in near feature.
Hi Zbignev! Thank you for your job, that's an awesome thing you've been doing and it is going to be helpful to our customers.
Hi Zbignev, when is the next PHP SDK version going to be released? we are desperate to have the functionality for importing attachments into comments.
Hi Mark, next version is in (slowly) progress, but I can speed up this process if you need.
Based on
attachment can be imported only to Task or Folder
Tell me more where is the problem and what do you need:
- PHP 7.1 (current version should work properly with PHP 7.1)
- missing request (I thought I was programming all of them)
- something else
2018-05-29 14:49 - Question from Mark
2018-05-29 15:43 - My answer, 2018-06-02 still with "Pending approval" status
Something is wrong with approval process.
Mark. Based on Wrike documentation attachment can be imported only to Task or Folder. Please tell me more: where is the problem and what do you need.
Hi Zbigniew, yes we are able as you say but this is not helpful. We need to import directly into a comment not just into a task/folder.
Currently the import groups all attachments and dumps them randomly in one blob in the task/folder comments thread, not according to the original intext attachments that Wrike natively does.
Hi Mark, now I understand your request, but I can't help. I was develop Open Source PHP library for easy communication with native Wrike API, but I don't work in Wrike company and I can't expand this native Wrike API. You should send this request directly to Wrike Team. New version of my library also will not introduce this functionality without previous changes in native Wrike Api. Only Wrike Team can halp you.
Version V2.0.0 - under refactoring to cover V4 API, should be accessible this month
Hi Zbigniew - are there any more developments on the V4 API of the SDK? I've been using V1 of the SDK for a few months and it works great for my app, but want to convert over to V4 of the API because of V3 being sunsetted.
Wrike PHP SDK is dead. Thread must be unpinned.
Hi Ленов Михаил Алексеевич, welcome to the Community! Thanks a lot for pointing this out, I'll go ahead and unpin this post now 🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
could anyone tell me where I can find a tutorial to integrate wrike api into my php code please?
thanks 🙏
Hi Lisa Scelli, welcome to the forums!
I think someone with PHP coding knowledge should be able to help here - hope that someone on this thread will advise!
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover