"notin: " search command to include folder and it's subfolder
How to exlude tasks from certain folder / project and all it's subfolders?
I have plenty of Folders under Project, but in my Dashboard (or search line) I want to exclude this Project from search WITH all it's subfolders. Is there way to do it?
Hi, I've tested this and there's no way right now to exclude just one Projects and it's subfolders from Search results.
A way to get around this (which admittedly will take a little longer) is to search for each Folder you do you want to include and add them to the same Dashboard, one at a time.
Let me know if this helps for now? Thanks for submitting the Search command suggestion! 🙂
Stephen, thanks
Thie get around works, but it's not convenient )
Once new Folder is created in ROOT, the filter has to be redone in the Dashboard
I completely understand Глеб. I can see you're using the Search functionality a lot so it's great to hear your experience here. All of which is being brought to the attention of our Product Team 👍
Stephen, is there a request for this functionality in Product Feedback? I didn't see it if so. I'd like to support this idea there, so it's sure to be on the dev team's radar.
Scott Henderson Arizona Community Foundation azfoundation.org
Hey Scott, good to hear from you. You're right so I've changed this post to a Product Feedback, please vote on the original post, thank you👍
we are looking for this feature too, any update?
No updates at the moment Federico Fanton, but I've shared you interest with our team 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
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