๐ Releases - What's New in Wrike, Color-coding for Custom Fields and New Actions and Triggers for Wrike's Automation! (07/17/2023)
Feature Updates
- Automation - New Action and Triggers! ๐ฅ

- Custom Fields - Color-Coding is Here ๐

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Automation in Wrike has always been one of it's most powerful tools and it's so awesome to see the power grow exponentially with the release of each new trigger and action option (and the addition of conditions awhile back).
Great job Wrike Product Team, looking forward to the support for more Custom Field data types in automation Actions soon.
I'm in love with the color-coded custom field feature! Already using this for a new Space/company initiative.
My only concern is that it doesn't automatically update existing Table views, only newly created views. For example, there's a multiple-select custom field we've been using for for about two years now that I attached colors to the day the new feature was released, however none of our Table views are updating with the pretty new colors. As a test, I created a new Table view, added the custom field and BAM - pretty colors! If I hide and re-add the custom field to the existing Table we use, it still doesn't populate with the color-coded fields. Is there an easy solution to activating it so I don't have to recreate the Table views we use? Thanks!
I created a custom field to play with the new color feature and then went to see if I could automate it. I was making myself crazy trying to figure out why my new single select list wasn't showing up on the automation when I tried to select it. So glad to see that it only allows for checked/unchecked fields. I didn't realize how brand-new the feature was!ย
Thanks! I really like the new colors, new automation, and new more/less view of fields. I will play with it for a while, but I'm glad to have them hidden for now!
Big thanks for your feedback, folks ๐ We're so glad you enjoy these updates!
Daisy Hibbard It should be working with the New Table view only, not in the old tables.ย
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
on automations we miss a condition on the user that preformed the change. I can then use it so I don't get a mention when I preform the action myself but I will get a mention if a other does. I use this because projectmanager may change to different job roles but not to assginees without a planner to check if the user is available
For example:
ย "When assignee changes to user1,user2 and NOT changed by user Jacco add comment and mention ..."ย if a NOT statement is complex it would also work for us I just have to select every user that is not me.
Yes, as Jacco mentioned !
an additional NOT - check box would allow much muchย more options !
Lisa @...ย We discussed it with the team and what we miss on the new trigger is a OR function
So for example "Start date changes OR Due date changes OR Duration changes" then
we can now accomplish what we want by making 3 different automation but like I send before we miss the 'editor' condition. So we want a comment/mention when a certain employee triggert this automation or NOT a certain employee.
Thank you for your feedback and additional suggestions! We'll keep you posted on any new updates for automation ๐
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
It would be great if at account-level automation you could apply automation to custom item types (outside of just project and tasks) as it is in space-level automation. Seems to be missing.
Please incorporate automation in custom fields different than text!
Thank you for letting us know your ideas, folks, we really appreciate your feedback.ย
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
@... Lisa
There have been some improvements to the automations and we checked them out to see if we can use some new automation or improve excisting. But we (@ Martin Kok) still miss the features:
We hope these are features you consider to implement. Please let us know
Hi Jacco Stam, thank you for your comments. May I kindly ask you to elaborate on the second and third suggestions you mention so we can better understand your use case?
Thank you!
Hi @... For example we would like to send a mention when someone changed the start date OR due date OR duration and the user that preformed the action was NOT Martin OR.... Now we get the mention that planning has changed if we do preform the changes our selfs.
Regarding the third suggestion see screenshot example in red texts below:
Hi Jacco Stam, I perfectly understand your suggestion now, thank you very much for the additional details, I've passed your comment on to our Product Team ๐