Third party Wrike-Outlook calendar integrations

Hi - my team has been asking to integrate Wrike/Outlook calendars which is not currently possible in Wrike. 

I've seen a few third-party operators (Unito/Workato/Zapier among others) suggesting they can make this connection. I haven't looked into any of them in any detail as yet, but was wondering if anyone else had taken this route and if they were finding it effective? 

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Hi Shona, not ideal but we use the ability to subscribe to Wrike projects/folders in Outlook calendars (ical feed) to be quite effective. This means we can see Wrike projects in Outlook and links to the Wrike tasks are included in the calendar item. You can get the feed from the 'View in calendar' option on a folder. 

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Hi Shona Snowden we have no experience with the Outlook integration. But we would also like to have one.

So I would be interested in any experience you get with it. Especially topics like, you are putting you off days into Wrike then it should automatically update your Outlook calender that you are off work on these days. But also to put milestones as important dates to the calender. That would be great, but it seems far away with Wrike.

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I'll chime in here with a "ditto" to Sven Passinger. I don't have experience with integrating Wrike to Outlook calendars, but I was tasked today with determining how to best sync multiple project milestones to a shared calendar in our corporate O365 account. I'm going to explore Wrike Integrate, but if there's an easier solution, I'd love to hear about it.

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Hi Peter van Teeseling, I thought they had discontinued that function?

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Eric Fiero no that is working. 

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Here is a short screen recording 



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Peter van Teeseling Interesting. I don't see that option. I'll connect with Wrike support or my Wrike rep.

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Eric Fiero please update us here, thank you!

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We had some requests for that as well. I tried it out in Zapier and it wasn't too hard. The only problem is your users would have to set it up for themselves. You may need to create a process sheet to walk them through it. Zapier has a free version that allows you to have 5 Zaps generating 100 tasks per month. 

Another potential issue is that you have to sign in to Wrike and Outlook in Zapier which may be prohibited at some companies.

Quick Overview:


  • App - Wrike - log in to Wrike
  • Event - New Task is created in a folder
  • Folder - you pick the folder to "watch"
  • Track subfolders - do you want to watch subfolders too? True/False


  • App - MS Outlook
  • Event - Create Event (Outlook Calendar event)
  • Account - log into your Outlook account
    Action :
  • Calendar - pick the calendar you want the events created in
  • Subject - lets you pick the task title
  • Start Date& Time - lets you pick the task start date
  • End date & Time - lets you select the task due date
  • All day event? True/False
  • Description - lets you add the task description
  • Show me as free or busy - changes your Outlook calendar status to free or busy.

    Then you can run a test to see if you get the desired output.

This creates an all day event that shows up at the top of your daily calendar. I have to go back in and adjust it so the start and end are both the due date. The way it is set up here gives you a multi-day bar and I only want a single entry.
You can also turn the feature on and off without changing the "Zap".

Good luck!


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Shona Snowden I heard from Wrike support, and this was a legacy feature that is no longer able to be enabled without Wrike Integrate, Sync, or something like Zapier.

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Lucie Merunkova

Hello everybody, I am a product designer working on Wrike integration features and we are currently looking into the use cases of such integration between Wrike and 3rd party calendars. Knowing precisely what you will use it for will help us design it in a way that brings you the most value. Is anyone interested in hopping on a call with me and discussing how you use a calendar in your company?

If so, schedule a call with me here:

Thank you! Have a wonderful day! :)

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Hi Lucie - I'm on Australian time, so a call may not be practical. If you want to send me some questions and options, though, I'd be happy to answer. 

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Wanting my Outlook calendar to feed into my Gantt charts. Can I import or integrate? Help appreciated.





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Hi Alexandra Randle, welcome to the Community 👋 This isn't currently possible, but our product team is researching this possibility. We'll be posting updates here in the Community if we have them in the future 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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@... I tried to book a zoom using your Calendly link. No open possibilities though?
We are new to Wrike and are implemeting our workflows as we speak.
Me (and our company live our scheduling life by allocating time for our Tasks into time-blocking in our Calendars (Outlook).
That's why an integration to "main" 3rd party calendars should be a Wrike option - in my opinion. The integration Wrike has to Google Calendar would be fine. I mean, your "Wrike Document Editor" works MS365, so why not make the MS365 Outlook Calendar work as well. Thanks, Ronnie from  

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Lucie Merunkova

Hi Ronnie Geyer Chmura, thanks for reaching out! I've updated the calendar. Please look and book a call with me if you find a suitable time slot! :) Thank you for being willing to talk to me.

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