[Status: Not planned] Add Vimeo as source for video proofing

My team and most other video production companies I know use Vimeo to house and distribute video content. Would it be possible to add vimeo as one of the sources to link a video for proofing and markup.

Upvote 66
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17 comentarios

Hi Peter, thanks for sharing this idea here! We recently added the ability to attach videos from YouTube, and our Product Team is actively collecting feedback about the Proofing and Approvals functionality. While it's too early to say whether this will be a possibility, it's great to have this suggestion on the Community!

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I've added my 'plus' to Peter's post...but I'm compelled to add this comment in support.  The professional nature of Vimeo (vs YoutTube) is clear and as such makes it an important option for those companies paying for Wrike and Proofing and Approval service.  One of the side benefits of video proofs from YT or Vimeo is that, while you can't yet comment/approve videos from mobile, at least the video will stream from these sites vs. forcing a download if the video is uploaded directly to Wrike.

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Alex, I appreciate the comment, it's great to have as much insight as possible. That definitely makes sense!

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The instant our clients found out our video files were on YouTube (albeit unlisted), they freaked and demanded they be taken down right away. Had they been on Vimeo via private unlisted links, there would not have been a problem. Please do add this feature to use Vimeo as our video platform for Video Proofing. And also, allow us to UPLOAD to VIMEO as private unlisted directly from Wrike "Attach File". That would be great.

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Yes please! 

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Has there been any movement on this?

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Hi everyone,
Thank you for sharing your feedback and use cases. I've checked with the Product team and unfortunately, this suggestion is currently not planned for this year. They do, however, have plans to review the possibility of implementing it in the future, but it's currently not on their roadmap.
Thank you for your support of this suggestion and please do continue to add your upvote. We'll be sure to keep you posted here on any changes. 
If there's anything else I can help with here, please do let me know.
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This is a disappointing development considering the original request was in 2017 and it is still not on the roadmap.  Youtube continues to get worse, what are the alternatives?

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I agree 100% with Jeremy.  I just had my quarterly Wrike review and they report that it is still not on the roadmap.  I'm very disappointed.  

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Hello Jeremy Doyle, Alex Botham, thank you both for posting.

We appreciate your feedback and concerns shared on adding Vimeo as a source for Proofing. Your feedback helps us prioritize requests and learn about what's important to the Community. 

Please allow me to share a little detail on how we process Product Feedback. We receive many great ideas on Community, unfortunately, we can't deliver on all requests right away, but we do pass on each and every feedback that's been shared on the Community to our Product team. If you'd like to find out more, this article explains what happens after we receive Product feedback. 

We check with our team and assign a status after a thread receives more than 60 upvotes according to our Product Feedback Guidelines & Statuses. This suggestion at the moment needs more support from other Community members. In the meantime, if there are any updates in relation to this suggestion, we'll be sure to update you here. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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"We check with our team and assign a status after a thread receives more than 60 upvotes according to our Product Feedback Guidelines & Statuses."


We are now at 61 upvote :)

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Chiming in here.

I just entering all the problems centered around handling video in wrike.  The video proofing functionality is awesome, but the upload limitation is a joke.  I'm sure there are legitimate reasons why this is problematic from the development side, but if wrike is trying to serve the creative production/marketing/promotional marketplace, this has to be resolved. 

My team is on Microsoft 365, AdobeCC, Wrike, and trying to get out of Frame.io.   I was super excited at the thought of Wrike turning and burning all our video proofing only to find out that we have a 30GB limit each month.  Sharepoint is useless for video proofing, so that's out.  And it looks like the is really no proofing option outside of using YouTube as a work-around?  The concept of that even seems like it was a band-aid measure outside of YT being the primary channel of creation and distribution, which it is probably not in most of the community use cases. 

Please PLEASE help me, and everybody's post I have poured over today, to have a better way of working on video projects.  We have enough platforms to deal with already and we are trying to make Wrike our home base for operating.  We cannot do that without including video. I'd be cool with Frame.io (now Adobe owned with rocketing user adoption), or vimeo, or some AWS thing that I don't even know about yet.  Point being that we don't need Wrike to be our CDN or to host our videos for their intended medium, we just need Wrike to play nice with how we create them, and maybe even with the platforms we are putting them on anyway (besides YT, I know you thought you had me there).   

Thanks for the time and text space.  I'm not mad wrike, just dissapointed.

Still love you though. 

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Hi Lucas M Jonathan Gentry, thank you very much for voicing your interest in this request, we are passing your feedback on to our Product Development Team. At the moment, this improvement could not be prioritized by our team, but we will keep you informed in case any changes are made.

Please, feel free to continue sharing your opinions and use cases regarding this case so we can pass it on to our Product Team. Thank you!

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@... Since this post is over 6 years old, I think you can stop saying "At the moment" and just say never gonna happen.

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I'm managing Wrike in a SMB with 4.2Tb of storage and still we have issues on a weekly basis to manage our files...

Video is at the heart of our business, the proofreading and markup features are essential for us. However, we really need to have it available on a external video platform that allows proposer video stortage like Vimeo. 

Now that we have more than 60 votes will you check with with product team ? 

Kind regards

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I would like to chime in here as well, that Video Proofing is essential to ensuring creative teams can work well together. I'm happy to move to a preferred platform for proofing (Even Blackmagic has one now for low monthly cost!), but having none at all really makes Wrike seem like a legacy project management system and not something that's adapting to the new world. How much video do the developers, and PM's watch daily? All of that is created by someone who needs to go through rounds of approval, or at the very least the ads that support it need to go through approval. This needs to be moved up the priority list ASAP. 


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Thanks a lot for your additional feedback here, folks!

As Juan mentioned above, this suggestion is not on the roadmap, but we appreciate your input here and we'll continue sharing your feedback with our product team. We will let you know if there are any changes here in the future. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Folllowing List for Post: [Status: Not planned] Add Vimeo as source for video proofing
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