Break-by Parameters & Combined Folder ID's
Good afternoon!
I'm working on a chart where it would be helpful to look at a breakdown of data combined from different folder sets, but have been having trouble identifying the right syntax to combine folders in the break-by parameters.
For example: I've set up a Column Chart looking at the total number of projects my team handles per month. To gather this data, I need to pull information from 8 total folders, divided into two categories:
Active Project Folders
- Type A (Active)
- Type B (Active)
- Type C (Active)
- Type D (Active)
Archived Project Folders
- Type A (Archived)
- Type B (Archived)
- Type C (Archived)
- Type D (Archived)
I imagine I might need to customize my 'Break by' filters in order to make this work. What formula would be best so that I can combine the sum of project numbers in the 'Active' and 'Archived' folders together for 'Type A,' 'Type B,' 'Type C' and 'Type D?' Is this type of aggregation currently possible with filters in Analyze, or would I need to fall back on custom fields to tie the projects together?
Hi Michael Kreisbuch, happy Friday!
Each subfolder of Type has a couple of projects inside. My assumption is that all projects in the 'Active Projects' folder are in an active status while all projects in 'Archived Projects' are in a completed status, as shown below:
You can definitely achieve this without using custom fields on each project, but it requires some configuration. In Wrike Analyze we can only display two levels of folder/project hierarchy. For example, we can display the count of your projects and the different folders of 'Type' but not the higher level of folder (Active, Archived) at the same time. Instead, we can use "Project Status Group" to group projects in their Active and Archived buckets. Take a look at my sample structure:
To build a column chart we will need to add a count of projects in our 'Values'. As mentioned, we cannot directly use folders as a dimension if we already have another field of projects in the widget, so we will have to use a field called "Include Data From Name". This field requires all your folders for types to be added manually. In 'Break by' we can use "Project Status Group". It will look like this:
My value is simply COUNT(Project ID). In my case my subfolders for 'Type' are named the same in Active and Archived folders, so I had to filter for them once. But if you have them named differently you will need to select all of them. Also note that the include data from filter shows folders that are manually selected in the filter, in case you add a new type of subfolder you will need to add it to the filter also.
Let me know if this works for you or if you need further help.
Mobeen Tahir Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Mobeen Tahir Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi Mobeen!
Thank you very much for your response! I've tried to replicate this within my own dashboard, but I'm finding that setting either the filter 'Include Data From Name" or "Folder Name' leaves the widget returning no results. I can navigate to any individual folder outside of Analyze in the space and see hundreds of tasks matching the set filters, but they don't appear within the report when I set the same filters. I've looked at any conflict with filters looking for tasks vs. projects, but haven't yet been able to pinpoint why the data is not populating in the widget correctly.
Hi Michael. The 'Folder Name' option will not work due to the reasons I mentioned above. 'Include data from Name' should work the way I mentioned. When you build the widget can you disable the 'Include data from' filter on the widget only, from the dashboard. I believe it is interfering with your widget filter and that is why no data is shown. You can disable it on the right-hand side of your widget settings in the filters panel. This should fix any issues you have.
Let me know how it goes.
Mobeen Tahir Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Mobeen Tahir Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover