Reoccurring Projects

Is there a way to schedule reoccurring projects? I have projects which happen on a weekly/monthly basis. Wondering if there is an easier way to set these up other than entering a new project for each one. Duplicating works but is time consuming.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Lisa K.

Hi Roberta Michals, there is no automated way to create multiple projects in Wrike, but our Community team will move the thread to the Product Feedback section so that other users could upvote this suggestion and share their use cases. The more upvotes your idea gets, the more visibility it gains with the Product Team.

In the meantime, as a workaround, you could try the following:

1. Have a recurrent task as a reminder that projects need to be launched every week/month

2. Once the task is created and you are notified, you can manually launch projects from the blueprint or duplicate existing projects. If you keep the "Add another" option ticked, the creation window will remain open, so you can immediately launch another project:

Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions 😌

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