Problem with task/subtask date alignment

Hi there (again), 

One more problem in the same project: if I change the dates of the subtasks, I do not get prompted to align the date of the parent task. I tried to remove all dependencies from the project, but still can't get it to work. I have used this feature in other projects, but it doesn't work on this one. 



Ideas? :) 


Thanks again!

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Hi Renato Angelo, our Support team is in touch with you via email about this. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. 

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Thank you @.... Support reached out to me and we figured it out. The problem was that the task status was a custom one, and it only seems to work if the status is "Active".  

I tested with "Active" tasks and it works fine. 


Thanks a lot and have a great Easter! 

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Great to hear that it worked out for you Renato Angelo, happy holidays to you too! 

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It is not a solution. If we have only custom statuses, then there is no way to use it. Even if I'd have them available I can't be sure that user have subtask set to "active". Please make it not dependent from status

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Hi Michał Tworek, thank you for your comment. I'd like to clarify that the custom status should not prevent this functionality from working properly. The only detail to consider is that your custom status should be part of the "Active" status group:

For instance, if you create a status called "In review" and place it in the "Completed", "Deferred" or "Cancelled" status groups, the pop-up won't appear. The pop-up will only appear if you place the status in the "Active" group.

If this is not the behavior you are experiencing in your account, please let us know and we will be glad to investigate your case and assist you with this.

Thank you!

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