Webhook "TaskCreated" firing multiple times

I have a Folder Webhook that is set to fire only on the "TaskCreated" event. This Webhook adds a sequectial number prefix to the Task's title [via Azure function call]. It has worked flawlessly for a few weeks, but then we had a single Task that received multiple prefixes. We are stymied as to how a "TaskCreated" event was fired multiple times! It was our assumption that a Task may only be created one, single time. Can anyone explain how this could have happened?

Some other clue information we collected: The Task was originally created as a top-level Task, then later moved to another Folder as a Subtask.

Here is the definition of the Webhook in question...:

         "id": "IEADM7Z4JAABA2B3",
         "accountId": "IEADM7Z4",
         "folderId": "IEADM7Z4I4WX7P6P",
         "hookUrl": "https://hoodwrikeapi.azurewebsites.net/api/SetTaskTitle?code=AzurePrivateKey",
         "events": ["TaskCreated"],
         "recursive": false,
         "status": "Active"
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1 comment

Hi Kyle Peters! Apologies for such a late reply here, your comment seemed to have fallen through the cracks, unfortunately. 

I've asked my colleagues to contact you about this, and it looks like this is resolved now 👍

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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