Change the order of tasks in a dashboard

We would like to suggest an enhancement to the dashboard view.

In MyTasks view you can change the order of tasks by dragging and dropping. But in Dashboard view you cannot do this. We would like the ability to do the same in the Dashboard view.

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You can sort within Dashboard as long as you have the Sort By property of the dashboard set to Priority.

When you have it set to Sort By Date it won't allow you to drag and drop because that would violate the date sort.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

On a related note, for dashboard I have a column for completed work which is not great to use at the moment as the current sorting options don't work well for it.

Would be great if possible organised by completed date - most recent first.

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Mohammed, that was very useful! Thank you.

I do notice that the other users (not admins) can't drag and drop, is that correct?

Or is there a way to let them also change the order of tasks?

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Hey Chloe Leung, thank you for the feedback! It's been passed on to the Product team.

Amber Daeren, any user that the Dashboard is shared with can drag and drop tasks in widgets that are set to be sorted by Priority.

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, let me know 😊

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