Organizing request forms and workflow view/mgmt


I would love to be able to organize the pages within a request form in a way other than "move up/down one page." Our marketing team created a few forms that look short from the user side, but has a lot of yes/no conditional aplits that can multiply  the page count by quite a bit. Examples of these questions:

Q: is this a new campaign or follow up? ➡️ If follow up ask for name/ref# of previous campaign

Q: does the campaign offer special pricing/discounts? ➡️ Please upload a spreadsheet with skus/prices

Q: does this campaign require sales force engagement ➡️ ask about types of engagements (CRM lead details, lead goals, reporting, etc)

Q: If the target audience is a specific list vs a standard company segments ➡️ please upload the contact info list.

So as you can see from my above, the number of pages grow fast. What I'm hoping to see:

1. View pages in a thumbnail view and easily reorder them by dragging them around

2. Illustrate the direction of pages with arrows, but most importantly, illustrate conditional splits ("if selected go to page...") as lines/arrows between the pages.

The best way to describe this is that forms can easily turn into a workflow the minute you introduce dynamic redirects. This requires a different and higher view of the form. For a good example of how I envision this, Google "Hubspot Workflow."

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Hi, me again, I was wondering if someone from the community team can shed some light on the next planned enhancements for request forms. I'd love to see what's on the dev roadmap for this critical feature. 


Thank you!

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I agree completely and love the idea of pages as draggable thumbnails and directional arrows showing how the pages flow from one to the other. Even better if Wrike's new conditional automation could be extended to request forms and expanded in even more ways. During our last touch-base with our Wrike representative we were told that this kind of "if YES do this but if NO do that" was not really in the works for request forms but I am hoping that someday soon it will be a feature that can be added. I also desperately want (need!) images (or at least thumbnails) to be added to forms which would make helper text less convoluted and wordy. Thank you!

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Hi Michelle, thank you for chiming in here and sharing your detailed feedback. I'm passing it on to our team🙋🏻‍♀️

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Thinking about our IT team and what the backend of their request form looks like... it's extremely complicated with lots of branching (to provide the easiest/best experience for the requestor AND IT). Some sort of UI overhaul on the admin side to minimize sections and overall make it easier to navigate, build and update faster would be extremely beneficial. Even after using the same form for over two years, I just discovered a branching option that didn't have an assignee and the normal IT intake folder attached so no one was notified of my request. When I looked at the backend... wow. No wonder it got missed! 

I'm also building out our Marketing intake form to be more dynamic and I'm already running into the issue Mo talked about in his original post above. It's easy to get confused where you are in the form, what connects, etc. 

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Thanks Daisy Hibbard, this is a really detailed use case, I'll share with our team! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

+1 to request form pages being draggable! I have a form with 50 pages so adding a new page and positioning it in the workflow is a real hassle. Come on, can do it!

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