Query on Folder/Project request parameters CustomField and CustomColumnIDs


I am working on Wrike API and figured that custom fields has to be added for a folder/project and then tasks must be updated with the custom field data.

However,I don't understand the difference between CustomField and CustomColumnIDs at Folder/Project. I tried to add custom field manually in Wrike portal and filled some data in it. And with API i tried to get Folder/Project data using folder ID. 

I was able to see the Custom Field ID in CustomColumnIDs array, but there is no Custom Field object. The array shows empty.

Could you please clarify on what parameter is reliable to verify if a Custom Field is mapped to a Folder? (CustomColumnIDs or CustomFields)


Documentation Link: https://developers.wrike.com/documentation/api/methods/get-folder-tree

Under "fields" option, we have customFields and customColumnIds.

customFields does'nt show up at all for get-folder-tree, but for get-folder-by-id it is empty array. 


Also Please let me know the difference between those 2 fields


Thank you

Madan Gopal

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I am having the same issue trying to locate customFields applied to Projects - I can't access the customField parameter.

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Hi guys,

The optional "fields" parameter (one of the values of which is "customFields") works for API Folders queries of "folders" model kind: 


So when you carry out a plain [GET] /folders API request, it is of "folderTree" model kind:
The "folderTree" model normally implies that a large number of Folders/Projects will be returned in the response. So it contains only basic details about them.

When you apply any filters to it (e.g. by "customField", "updatedDate", "project" etc.), the request becomes the "folders" model kind and the values of the optional "fields" parameter are taken into consideration when the response is returned:

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