Moving several tasks at the same time

Hi there. I need to move several tasks folder with their respective sub_foders at the same time in the Gantt. I tried to use a dependency chain but subtasks do not follow the main task folder.

I need to re-schedule a great number of tasks at once that are already in place on the schedule. 


Any ideas?

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I think your question may be complex.

From what I know from the gantt charts, the answer you need depend a lot of how you build your gantt chart and folders/task structure. Do you have milestones in those tasks? Do you need to them elsewhere (folderwise) or only move them on the schedule (reschedule)? Can you maybe put a sreenshot of your Gantt table and some indications of what you want to do?


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Thanks for your quick reply. I have 962 shots to handle. Im creating an animation film schedule and during production, each shot will need to be re scheduled and it sub-tasks. Going one by one destroy the purpose of the tool. There may be a work around to deal with this type of projects. 


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You could probably set a "start-to-start" dependency with your first main task (ex: SBP_Sce_Sh_[...] ) and the first of its subtask. Afterwards, try to set a finish to start dependency between your other subtasks and the following main tasks. 

That should pretty much do it I think. See my test (working) below.

Hope this helps!

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Hi, what if I have tasks and subtasks that I'm trying to reschedule on the gantt by moving them all together. Even if I had dependencies set up, the subtasks don't move with the main task. Usually, in other apps, all I have to do is select them all and move them together. Is there a similar feature in Wrike?

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Hey Faeq Alolaiwat!

If you shift-click the first task and drag it across, all tasks that are in the chain of dependencies should move as well. Let me know if this helps, and if not, I can raise a Support ticket for you.

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