Widget for "Changes Required" (Tasks)

I'd really benefit from having a dashboard widget that showed me whenever I had "Changes Required" on my Tasks.This functionality is not available by customizing widgets. Right now, in order to see this type of view, I have to go to a Folder ("In Progress"), then customize filters to reflect Status: Changes Required + Assignee: Me. I would need to do this each and every time I want to check for Changes Required. Yes, one can see Changes Required in the small print within the widgets in "My Work" or in "Dashboards," but my eyes tend to overlook that. I want a way to bring this front and center so that I know right away when changes are required in order to meet my deadlines.

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Joanne, please pardon the length of this reply, but i think this is what you are looking to do.  

First, create a Dashboard called Changes Required, do not add a widget. To add a Dashboard, select the + New Dashboard at the bottom of the list of Dashboards.

Go to the folder you wish to see the Changes Required status for and sort by the status and assigned to you. Be sure you have "Show Tasks from Subfolders" selected. Samples below show assigned to All, and assigned to just me.

Then, while this is the view, choose the ... and select Add to Dashboard, select your Changes Required Dashboard. 

This will create the widget you need and will update as statuses change. I added the All sort as well to mine, as I oversee others that I would want to know about for this status.

Note the update as the statuses change on the tasks:

I hope this is what you were looking to do. 

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Not sure... All my projects and independent tasks are located within an "In Progress" folder that is used by my entire department. Could I pull what I need from within that folder, or is that not specific enough? Would I risk change the folder, which I don't "own"? 

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you should be fine. if you sort as shown above: Assigned to Me, Changes required, it won't affect the folder structure at all, it will only show you the results. Those can be added to your Dashboard. :D 


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Nice solution! but is this if you have the status of changes required in the workflow? Has anyone determined a way to see documents in the "review & approvals" process that have been flagged changes required? seems redundant to review a document aand mark it as changes required then the reviewer also has to edit the task workflow (especially when using external companies etc)...any help would be appreciated :)


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@Claire, that's a great question. I don't have access to the Review & Approvals process w/in Wrike, so I can't do any testing for you. I would think that flagging something in that add-in as changes required, would update the Workflow as well. 


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Hey guys, currently it's not possible to set up a task to automatically change workflow/status upon clicking "Changes required" in Approvals. 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Revisiting this now... so where does this leave us? I tried the new dashboard, but I can't pull in only the "Changes Required" files. 

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