Move a task from Project into new Folder (within Project)

I created several tasks under a project, and then needed to add a new project phase. I created two folders, one for each phase, and am trying to move the tasks into the appropriate folder.

I found the article that says you can go to the project's "list view" and drag and drop tasks between the list view and navigation bar. This kind of works, but I end up with each task now in TWO locations - under the new folder AND still under the main project. You can usually open the task and click the "X" icon under the task heading that lists the project/folder it's in, but each task lists both and I'm unable to remove the project listing..

Is there a way to do this? Kind of annoying to have to re-create each task..

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Hi Greg,

Go to the task(s) which you would like to be located in two folders. Hover over the + mark and search for the additional folder name. I have attached screenshots to better explain what I mean. 

I hope this helps, but let me know if you are still having problems. 


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Hi Devon - Thanks for the reply.

So the problem is that it's showing up in two locations, and I am trying to move (not copy) it from one to the other. I've already fixed it by duplicating all the tasks into the new folder location, so I can't show you a screenshot, but that's not ideal either.

For example, here's the before:


  • Task 1
  • Task 2
  • Task 3

Then, I wanted to add folders to separate phases of the project..


  • PHASE 1
  • PHASE 2
  • Task 1
  • Task 2
  • Task 3

When I tried to move tasks 1-3 into the Phase 1 folder, I ended up with...


  • PHASE 1
  • -- Task 1
  • -- Task 2
  • -- Task 3
  • PHASE 2
  • Task 1
  • Task 2
  • Task 3

Ideally, it would look like...


  • PHASE 1
  • -- Task 1
  • -- Task 2
  • -- Task 3
  • PHASE 2 (New tasks for 2nd phase would go into this folder)

I hope that clarifies the issue..

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Hi Greg,

Are you talking more along the lines of something like this? I have attached a screenshot from the Gantt Chart and New Table.

My Setup is as follows:

Project Name: Key Stakeholders Meeting

Folder 1 - Step 01: Meeting Participants
     Task 1

Folder 2 - Step 02: Meeting Information
     Task 1
     Task 2
     Task 3
          Subtask 1
          Subtask 2
          Subtask 3

Folder 3 - Step 03: Meeting Goodies
     Task 1
          Subtask 1
          Subtask 2
          Subtask 3
     Task 2
          Subtask 1
          Subtask 2
          Subtask 3
     Task 3
          Subtask 1
          Subtask 2
          Subtask 3

Under Folder 3, Task 1, 2 & 3 are all duplicate tasks. You want to do this by selecting the ... in the top right corner of the task and then clicking on "Duplicate task" 

You then want to select the folder (Phase 2) for the tasks to go in. 


Another Idea would be duplicating the folder (Phase 1) and placing it into your project. Just be sure to rename it as Phase 2. To duplicate the folder (or even project) right-click on the folder on the left bar and select "Duplicate"


Is this what you are wanting?


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Nope. Much less complicated!

I am just trying to MOVE (i.e. relocate) tasks.. To start, they were located under the main project. Then I created a folder under the project heading (i.e. at the same level as the tasks). I wanted to MOVE the tasks into the new folder. I do not want them in two places, just moved to the new one.

When I dragged them into the folder, they showed up in two places. I just wanted them in the new location.

I hope that makes sense now..

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Follow the directions from my first post and then remove the task from whichever folder you do not want it to be in. a box with an X inside will pop up next to the folder name. Click on the X to remove the folder so it will only be in the one folder of your choice. You can only do this if you have the tasks in both folders. 


Did you duplicate the tasks to get them in two locations or did you just add a folder so they are in two? 

If you duplicated the tasks, what you will need to do is delete one set of tasks and then select the + button next to the Folder tag and add the additional location. 

Did this answer your question? If not, can you please attach screenshots so I can better understand and help you!

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Hi Devon - I tried to explain this in my original post, but the new task shows both the PROJECT and FOLDER listed there, but the PROJECT label is greyed out and no "X" shows up to delete it.. The FOLDER tag is removable, but that's the one I wanted to keep. Herein lies the issue..

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@Greg, thanks for posting on the Community 🙂
I'd suggest using the Mass Editing feature: choose the Tasks you need to move to a Folder within the parent Project, then choose the Move/Remove/Include/ Mass Editing option, choose the Folder within the Project 
, then choose "Move to" 
That way the Tasks will only exist in the Folder that you've chosen.
Please let me know if that helped 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi Lisa,

That does it! Thanks for the solution.

I've never noticed the "mass edit" feature.. Is that new?

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@Greg, you are very welcome 🙂
Mass Editing has been there for a while. It's great though that now you know about it. To learn about all the Mass Editing options, you can check out the Help Center page on the feature 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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