Can I make a task that recurs a fixed time after completion?

I want to have a task recur a fixed number of days after it has been completed. For example, I know a filter needs replacing 90 days after it has been changed. Sometimes the change task is not completed on time. I want to have a new task scheduled 90 days after I actually perform the action, not strictly every 90 days. I can't see that this can be done in the Edit Recurrence dialog.



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Hey David and welcome to Wrike Community :)
Currently there's no functionality to automatically create a recurrence after a change of task status. You can manually create a recurrence once you change the task status to Completed.
Task Template for such tasks can also come in handy. It means when you complete the task you can create a duplicate from the template "Oil Change" and set the due date to be 90 days from there. A Template like that representing each step of a process as a task can help not to forget any of those steps 👍
Any further questions - get back to me here.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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